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View Full Version : green HF DNA question???

Christopher Hunter
12-04-2006, 11:19 PM
Well tonight I hollowed out my first HF from green walnut with the idea of DNA 'ing it. it is about 8" tall and 3.5" dia at the widest part near the top ---
the questions are
about how thick should the walls typically be, before DNA 'ing it ?
On this type of turning(end grain), how should I wrap the paper bag for it, tomorrow, when I release it from it's DNA bath ?
the opening at the top is about 1.5"
Thanks for any help==

Dennis Peacock
12-05-2006, 1:10 AM
I'd say 3/8" thick on the walls or a little more. Wrap it in brown paper or a double layer or newspaper like what I've shown with bowls in the articles section of SMC....in other words, wrap it, cut out the opening and set upside down on a drying rack. I'm sure some of the other HF turners will jump in here and provide you more guidance.

John Hart
12-05-2006, 6:19 AM
Yup....and upside down is key. I made the mistake of leaving a hollow form right side up and the top split quicker than a rabbit on a date.:)

George Tokarev
12-05-2006, 8:19 AM
about how thick should the walls typically be, before DNA 'ing it ?
On this type of turning(end grain), how should I wrap the paper bag for it, tomorrow, when I release it from it's DNA bath ?
the opening at the top is about 1.5"
Thanks for any help==

You going to try and re-turn it? If so, look at the conformation of the annual rings and remember they shrink more on the face than quarter grain. Walnut shows 7.8 and 5.5% respectively, so you should be able to re-turn your piece with some degree of safety unless the annual rings run over a corner or are consistently oval or otherwise deformed. Sapwood shrinks more than heartwood, so if it's gone on one side and wide on the other, you may not have enough.

Stand its bottom on a couple of pieces of wood to ensure as even circulation as you can get on both sides of the bottom. Try a box of smallest fit over the top to keep humidity high rather than wrap. Unless your wife wants all the boxes for Christmas. Or put it unboxed in a quiet cool area where you have 65% or more relative humidity for the first week. Then back to the shop.

If you want it to dry faster, blast as much unbound water as you can out with compressed air before you box.

Same instructions for no soak, same results.

Ron Sardo
12-05-2006, 10:59 AM
I go about 1/2" to 5/8" on something like this. I like a little extra wood to fine tune the form if needed.

I soak overnight, then brown paper bag for a few days. Once out of the bag I let it sit in the open for a few days.

No rocket science here. The reason I say "a few days" is because usually that is the next opportunity I have to get back into the shop.

Dave Smith
12-05-2006, 11:49 AM
Dennis, John and Ron have given you good advise for using alcohol soaking protocol. You can find more answers and info on the Alcohol Soaking Blog. (http://alcoholsoaking.blogspot.com/) Peruse the Q&A section in particular.

Good luck.

Dave Smith

Typing puts me further behind in Longview, WA.