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View Full Version : Finding old thread ?

Frank Guerin
12-04-2006, 8:53 PM
On rare occasion I was voiceing by wrong opinion on something or asking a question below the average retired circus monkey. When I am fortunate to have time to get back to see my answer corrected or magnitude of patient answers to my question I have (with both brain cells) forgotton what, where it was posted. I have tried searching under my name with no finds. Any help would be appreciated. Hopeing I can find this thread latter.
Hey I'm old so don't start.

Allen Bookout
12-04-2006, 9:00 PM

Go to your user control panel (User CP at top of page) and then click "subscriptions" on the left hand side and it will pull up all of your old threads. That is unless you deleted them.

Doug Shepard
12-04-2006, 9:09 PM
At the risk of asking a stupid question: Are you using the Advanced Search option and putting your name in on the RH side or just putting your name in as the search term on the LH side or under the default search method? That last way won't get you anywhere.

Tim Morton
12-04-2006, 10:54 PM
Just click to the right of your name and that will drop down to show "public profile". From there you will see a line for "view all posts" and "view all threads started". OR, under "quick links" on the top of the page you can drop down to "my profile" and get the same 2 choices.

Frank Guerin
12-05-2006, 7:05 PM
My thanks gentlemen.