View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
12-04-2006, 10:16 AM
Good Morning Everyone,

I hope that each of you have a nice weekend. I'm still working on the computer desk, but am in the middle of doing what I hope to be a black lacquer finish on the two tops of the desk. What I'm doing is Gloss Black Acrylic Paint, sand it down, more black paint, and repeat until I get a no wood grain black top and then will start applying the gloss clear lacquer. Anybody see anything wrong with this? It's my first time to try a black lacquer finish and I sure hope this is an ok way to do it as there isn't anyone near me that sells a black lacquer, so I'm trying to "make do".

The most important thing I've done this weekend is to collect funds for our fellow woodworker, Steve Clardy, who's shop roof caved in due to ice and snow. As many of you know, Steve makes his living in that shop as he is a cabinet builder and what I would consider a master stair builder. I am collecting donations to help Steve get his shop back together. If you would like to see pictures as well as read more about the Steve Clardy Fund Drive, please go here and Please Help. (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=46926)

Sunday was church and I played this Sunday. Today it's more work on the computer desk in hopes of being able to deliver it within the next 2 weeks.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to your all.

Jack Dickey
12-04-2006, 10:27 AM
Well I been off for the past two weeks .. Helped the junk lady fixin and sellin stuff ..
Been trying to finish up a cupboard in my spare time , when not helpin the junk lady ..

Ken Fitzgerald
12-04-2006, 10:29 AM
Saturday...Ran around town locating a replacement switch for my lathe. Got the lathe fixed and turned a peppermill.

Sunday......turned a salt shaker, and two Christmas tree ornaments. Helped babysit the 4 month old great granddaughter.

Dan Gill
12-04-2006, 10:56 AM
I actually did a little woodworking this weekend. I glued up, bandsawed, routed, sanded, and oiled a couple of cutting boards, and worked a little on fitting the drop desk to my daughter's desk/cupbooard I'm building. After setting the hinges, I realized I had too much of a gap on that, so I glued on some 1/4" "extenders" and I'll plane those down to make a better fit.

Jim O'Dell
12-04-2006, 11:19 AM
Left work a little early Friday and called Sam Blasco at Mini Max and talked through my E16 tracking questions. Great guy to talk to! Worked Sat, got some supplies from HD on the way home. Got hair cut, the got to spend only a little time in the shop. I put up some of the chutes in the eves to keep the insulation from clogging up the air flow. Sunday, around trying to keep the dogs out of trouble :D , I got the insulation put up and stapled onto the walls in the main shop. Now to get the same done to the attached finishing room, and get some OSB to start enclosing the walls! Hope Santa brings me some cash or HD gift cards for Christmas!! Jim.

Jack Dickey
12-04-2006, 11:33 AM
Hope Santa brings me some cash or HD gift cards for Christmas!!

I hear ya Jimbo !!

Al Willits
12-04-2006, 11:45 AM
It was one of them weekends for me, started with Friday the overdrive light on my truck starts to blink and it shifts in and out of OD by its self.
Considering the F150 only has 40k on it, I was a bit suprised...maybe PO'd would be a better word.. :)

Sat was install the dishwasher for Beasty, and of course with a 60 year old house, Murphy was stuck firmly on my back, today I get to re-pipe the water line, make a patch for the floor under the DW that was rotted and try to straighten out the wiring that was done before we got the house, nothing like conduit and romex going into 4x4 boxes and no connectors to keep the romex conduit from pulling out of the 4x4 box...grrrrrrr
Oh, get to drive the truck out to Ford to use that extended warrt, hopefully its gonna cover everything.

Sunday was work in the garage trying to build a sled for my TS, and am pretty close to done, and finally got the door catches and knobs on the miter saw cabinet I made and even Beasty likes it, so there may be hope for me after all...:)

So now I get to wait for Ford to tell me the good news, and at least redo the water piping today, seems kinda a waste to use a days vacation to fix things, but it keeps SWMBO happy.

Hopefully, everybody else had a better weekend.


Scott Coffelt
12-04-2006, 12:45 PM
Celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary, went to a xmas party and enjoyed a night at a hotel.

Took my son sleding where he hit his head on a pole his first run, gashed his head and we spent 2+ hours at urgent care.

Wrapped up building a vanity for my brother.

Bryan Somers
12-04-2006, 12:48 PM
Started on a small project a Christmas present for the LOML, got to try out the new 1590 Bosch jigsaw the good stuff sure cuts so much better :D.

Prepared and attended anniversary dinner for the inlaws 50 Years. Now my FIL is going aroud saying that his FIL told him that he did'nt marry her he would put Clarence (my fil) in jail for 50yrs. So Clarence says he would now be out a free man. There is no telling what he will say, you gota love him

Nancy Laird
12-04-2006, 1:07 PM
Did a reall biggie craft show on Saturday - about 240 vendors in a local high school, and did a land-office business. Sunday finished up and delivered the last of the 2000 Christmas ornaments, delivered the bookmarks for the library opening today, and made a list of all of the rest of the things I need to do in the next 10 days, plus a list of supplies to be ordered!!! Now, if I could just find someone to do my cooking and laundry, I'd be a lot happier......

Oh, yeah, I also send a donation to Dennis for Steve. If you haven't, please do. He's is dire straits right now and every penny is going to help him and his family.


Gary McKown
12-04-2006, 1:10 PM
FINALLY finished the 2nd Gen. DC piping for the shop. Genuinely frustrating experience, 'way too much like plumbing for me. At least now I can get back into making chips and dust, although I still need to devise a better means for collecting the SCMS emissions.

Karl Laustrup
12-04-2006, 2:02 PM
Afternoon Dennis. We went and got a Christmas tree for the house Saturday. A real nice 8'er at a good price, $40. After getting it home, we realized we didn't have near enough lights and decorations to do a tree that big. So the rest of Saturday was spent going from one store to another looking for lights and decorations. Amazing how little is left in the stores this early. Finally got the tree all done around 9PM.

We've always had no more than a 6' and mostly only about 5' trees. We also haven't had a real tree in probably 15 years.

Yesterday was relax and watch some football. ARRRGGGGHHHH! The Pack looked terrible again. Be glad when the offensive line gets better.

Gonna be cold here this week. Single digit lows with highs only in the low 20's. Y'all have a good week.


Fred Voorhees
12-04-2006, 5:43 PM
No work in the shop this weekend as it was another trip to Cape May, NJ for some surf fishing with my youngest brother and a freind. Well, the striped bass are supposed to be in at this time of year, but someone forgot to tell them. From all that we are hearing, it has been a dissapointing season for the linesiders. I did manage to snare a shorty on Sunday morning, along with a seven or eight pound bluefish and also the three of us caught a basketload of sand sharks between Saturday and Sunday. That's me below with a sample of each of the species.

Zahid Naqvi
12-04-2006, 6:09 PM
No WWing this weekend as we had a major cultural event down here. In Pakistan and some parts of India poetry is as big as rock music here in USA. A case in point is a poetry recital we had in Little Rock this past Friday, for which the poets had flown in from Pakistan and India. They are on a 16 city tour, of which Little Rock was one.

Joe Mioux
12-04-2006, 6:36 PM
Work got in the way of a new woodworking project I am beginning. Making an outdoor dining table out of 150 year old Barnwood Oak.

Instead, I delivered Grave Blankets.


Jim Becker
12-04-2006, 8:00 PM
Hey, I got in the shop on two consecutive days this weekend!!

Saturday started out normally with dance class for the younger followed by a dentist appt. for her, too. After that, it was out to the shop to work on the cherry vanity project (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=45792&page=4). That evening after dinner, we trimmed the Christmas tree...and had fresh baked chocolate cupcakes and sparkling grape juice to "celebrate".

Sunday, I got out to the shop mid-morning and back to work on the vanity...stopped mid-afternoon as we accepted an invitation from the girls' ESL teacher to attend a concert at her church in NJ at 4pm. I was expecting the typical holiday choir singing, etc., but was pleasantly surprised by a really, really, really well done presentation of Vivaldi's Gloria by the large choir with some additional professional voices, a small (but wonderful) orchestra and a really talented organist. This performance was nearly as good as anything I've heard the paid, professional choir and organist (original Wanamaker organ) do at Keneseth Israel in Jenkintown PA. The girls liked it, too, especially the older. (And of course, there was cake and cookies afterward...) We then had a very nice dinner at a historic tavern on the way home.

Oh, Dennis...you really need to test whether putting lacquer over your acrylic is going to work, if you mean solvent-based lacquer. You don't want to go to all that work, only to have the nice black material "bubble up" with a reaction from the lacquer thinner/solvent. (I also hope that by "acrylic" you mean just that, not "acrylic latex" paint) So do a test piece first. Or...use a water borne product like Target USL or similar over the black acrylic. BTW, Target carries USL in matt black (and white) and they work really well for doing the type of finish you are working with. Build your finish and then top coat with the clear in the sheen you desire. Rub out after full curing in about a month or so, just like NC lacquer. My kitchen cabinets were done this way using the Target matte white topcoated with satin clear.

Tim Morton
12-04-2006, 8:16 PM
Busy weekend, Saturday started working on a TV stand for a new TV that is being delivered tomorrow, I am just about ready to call it "almost done". Pictures to follow once the TV is in place and the mess is cleaned up. Sunday was spent moving just about every piece of furniture in the house, twice:eek: Just in order to make things just right for you know who. And when my daughter asked me why we were doing all this work...I just looked at her and said...its mommy's way of making me earn the new TV:cool:

Laurie Brown
12-05-2006, 12:15 AM
I was planning to finish off my raised panel doors for my cabinet project, but my router died. :(

Looking into getting it fixed AND hubby offered to buy me a new one for Christmas! So I'll have two, which I wanted anyway. ;)

Ned Bulken
12-05-2006, 7:50 AM
The LOML and I hung up a new ceiling fan, after having it sit in the bedroom in its box for **CENSORED** months. yes, Months, not weeks.

We even included our teenage son in the project just for togetherness. He had fun 'picking' on the LOML for putting the fan blades together with the wrong faux wood face down. We chose the cherry face, vs the Walnut, both were very nice looking, but the cherry has the nicer tone for our bedroom. It is a Hunter, I was very impressed with the ease of the installation. THe only frustrating thing was the typical which screw goes where thing, minor really.

Kelly C. Hanna
12-05-2006, 8:09 AM
Saturday was taken up delivering a treadmill to the house for Jana's business, then I got the new stereo hooked up in the old truck. Sunday I went to a friends' house and we installed the sway bar and the new 3/4 ton rear springs. You might say the old truck is rockin' but not rollin' now!

Just found out about Steve's fund and contributed...hope he gets everything fixed fast so he can get back to work!

Tyler Howell
12-05-2006, 8:43 AM
Another trip up to the new place.
After creekers advice, bought an enclosed 6x12 trailer to make the move.
Of course there is always adventure. The hitch was rusted in the receiver and the ball rusted on. Working in single digit temps, I cut the ball off with an angle grinder. This was after 2 days of penatrating oil, heat, wrenches pipe extensions........
Anyway uneventful trip up and back, moved some more personals. (beginning to look lived in. Slept on a real bed this time.

Creeker Rick Schubert stopped over for dinner with his lovely bride Jill. Real nice time
8 inches of fresh snow beautiful place.
Moved more toyls into the Garagemahal:D :D , and working on power distribution in the shop.
Have a safe week.