View Full Version : Formaldehyde free glue and plywood

Mike Parzych
12-04-2006, 9:22 AM
I'm quoting on some cabinet faces for someone with a formaldehyde allergy and have done fruitless searching for glues. Some brands have less than .1%, but does anyone know of some that a formaldehyde-free? The job may also include some maple ply and I'm assuming the adhesives used vary by manufacturer, but as a rule, does all plywood adhesive contain formaldehyde?

Jamie Buxton
12-04-2006, 10:29 AM
You can buy MDF which is specifically formaldehyde-free -- http://www.sierrapine.com/products/mdf.htm --- but I think the glue content in plywood is so low that people haven't worried about it too much. A tiny percentage of a tiny percentage is real small.

Added in edit... a quick google reveals at least one formaldehyde-free plywood --- http://www.choosecolumbia.com/products/view.aspx?p=nf