View Full Version : You never know where you'll find you next source of free wood....

Ken Fitzgerald
12-04-2006, 2:21 AM
Back in June I started using Zinzer's dewaxed shellac. I like to use it as a sealer over BLO. I like to use BLO to POP the grain on my turnings. Then when I started turning bottle stoppers recently I wanted something that was alcohol resistant so I started using Deft brushing lacquer over dewaxed shellac over BLO. Each one is individually applied and frictioned on. It makes a great looking finish that I hope proves to be alcohol resistant. So I ran out of Zinzer's and went to my local hardware store to buy another quart. I'd already checked at HD some months ago and they don't carry it. I look on the shelf....No Zinzer's.........ARG! If this place has quit carrying it......I'll have to go to Spokane 110 miles away.....As I'm looking to make sure they haven't just moved it an employee offers me some assistance. He said they could get it but it would take a couple of days. Then I noticed a gallon of the same thing....I picked up the gallon and he asked why I was so adamant about using the dewaxed and what I was using it for. I explained and he pointed out another employee. He said I should talk to him. I did. He had previously worked for a company in Seattle that made exotic wood trim. They've been in business over a hundred years and made the trim used in Bill Gates house. He said whenever he went to Seattle his former employer dumped his exotic "cutoffs" into this guys pickup. He hauled it back to Lewiston and used it to heat his home. He told me to bring some of my turnings in...he wanted to see them. I came back a couple of hours later with pens, bottle stoppers .....He told he felt really bad that he was burning this stuff when it could be used by me to make things. He took my address and phone number. He called Saturday night. He told to come by the store on Monday...He's got a couple of boxes of exotics for me. .........you never can tell where you are going to find free exotic woods!

Steve Schlumpf
12-04-2006, 9:17 AM
WOW!!! Great score! Make sure you include some photos once you have the wood in-hand!

Charles McKinley
12-04-2006, 9:55 AM
Work out a deal where you keep getting a steady suppply of exotics.

Then tell him he could bring in a nice second income.

If the sizes are right he could do grab boxes for what ever they bring on ebay. Flat rate boxes from the post office are free and the shipping cost would be set. All he would have to do is take the order, stuff and send a box. Just a thought. If he has access and his old boss doesn't mind he may have a very lucrative bussiness oppertunity.

Waiting for the pics of the goody box when you get it.

Andy Hoyt
12-04-2006, 10:29 AM
Is it possible for something to really really suck, but in a good way?

If so, this has gotta be it!

Color me green.

Bob Hallowell
12-04-2006, 11:32 AM
for offering Ken I would love some of that free exotic I will even pay shipping! :)


Bernie Weishapl
12-04-2006, 12:54 PM
Great gloat Ken. If you get to much I can help.:eek: :D