View Full Version : Weekend project, a Christmas tree

Matt Calder
12-03-2006, 5:13 PM
The kiddie-winks have been gawking at the various inflatable holiday doo-dads popping up all over our suburban landscape. The 6 year old cleverly bragged that we could make a giant robotic snowman and/or Santa. By the time I got his expectations aligned to reality I was committed to this, a ten foot tall Christmas tree. He's really got me figured out, I need a new playbook.


Matt Calder
12-03-2006, 5:17 PM
Here is a closeup of the sophisticated woodworking techinques employed to build the tree. I did not take a picture of the ball on top. It is plywood circles offset by blocks.


Jim Becker
12-03-2006, 8:23 PM
How did you build that very realistic looking cat sculpture that is holding down the tree in the wind??? :D :D :D

(Nice job)