View Full Version : Rust Removal & Flatness

Raymond Stanley
12-03-2006, 3:29 PM
Hi All!
So a couple times now, I have had rub off some rust on my planes. I'm getting better at preventing it through reading all the past posts on rust prevention. I was using a white scotch-brite + phosphoric acid. I got a little sick from the phosphoric acid being worked with indoors, so I switched to a fine "rust eraser".
My question(s), like many of my past ones, is somewhat one of splitting hairs. The question is, should I equally apply pressure across the whole surface I am rubbing (sides/bottom of plane)? If I just rub on the areas that have accumulated rust stains, will it eventually go out of flat/true? Are these methods rubbing out just the rust, or taking away small bits of metal too?

Maybe it is insane to think I could ever through a side or bottom out of flat/true via a scotch-brite or rust eraser...but I thought I'd check.

Thanks so much!