View Full Version : 'nuther CA question, and newbie information

Mark Pruitt
11-28-2006, 1:57 PM
First the question: In my garage workshop, on the coldest days in winter it gets down to around 50 degrees. Does the CA need to be stored in the house? What is the coldest temp it can tolerate? (OK....that was two questions. Sorry....)

Second, here is an article I found while trying to google the answer to the above question. The answer isn't here, but still a helpful article to someone in need of the basic info. Apparently written by either an Abysserite or someone who knows one.:D

Mike Lawler
11-28-2006, 2:44 PM
actually, CA stores better cold.

50* won't be a problem.

In the summer when it is hot and humid (for here) I put it in the shop fridge.

Paul Engle
11-28-2006, 2:47 PM
I was gonna say the same thing , i store mine in the fridge, have had the larger bottles last over a year.

Mike Vickery
11-28-2006, 2:52 PM
I would agree heat is more of a problem than cold. I have heard of many people that actually store ca in a fridge, though I believe it is because of the relativeley low humidity in a fridge not the temperature. Humidity is a big problem other store the ca containers inside of sealed plastic conatiners with the little moisture absorbtion packets in it ( I believe cat littler will also work).

George Tokarev
11-28-2006, 6:07 PM
Try this. http://www.woodturningvideosplus.com/cyanoacrylates.html