View Full Version : Routing for the spatially challenged question

Dan Forman
11-28-2006, 2:53 AM
Is it possible to rout a profile on the edge of two pieces whose planes are perpendicular, and have the profile match each other where they join?

I was making a paper towel holder to mount vertically on a kitchen cabinet. For some reason, I got it in my head that these profiles would match, so I went ahead and routed both pieces. You can see the results of my folly here...



not so good! Is there any way of doing this with a router (or otherwise) and avoid the gaps? Without the profile, the thing looked rather plain.


Mike Cutler
11-28-2006, 5:27 AM
Two ways that I can think of.

1. Miter the corner where the profiles meet.

2. Assemble the pieces first, and then route the edge. A little trickier, but doable.

Jim Becker
11-28-2006, 8:42 AM
This is not a routing problem...it's a joinery problem. You need to either miter things or cope them if you prefer the butt joint.

Dan Forman
11-28-2006, 3:58 PM
Thanks, there might be room enough to miter and salvage this after all.

I do seem to lack the gene that would let me visualize solutions to spatial problems, anyone got any extras? :)


Scott Loven
11-28-2006, 4:13 PM
Wood putty:)
Stop the router short and leave the joint square?
45 chamfer the part that gets the routed edge, that way you would not have to cut the 45 all the way through the board.

Mark Singer
11-28-2006, 4:19 PM
Jim said it miter or cope... make a profile on scrap check it against the piece an use it as a template