View Full Version : "Rosita" lumber?

Mike Parzych
11-27-2006, 3:10 PM
I just saw this absolutely stunning wood on the Hearne site:


They list it as "must buy the whole flitch" and I'm afraid to even ask them what 150bf of this would cost - I'm guessing at least $3K plus.

Anyone ever seen this stuff at any other sources?

Blaine Harrison
11-27-2006, 3:52 PM
I don't know anything about the wood, but I think they spilled red paint on the board they showed.:eek: :eek: ;)

Jude Tuliszewski
11-27-2006, 5:13 PM
I do not know anything about it but it sure looks nice.

Jim Becker
11-27-2006, 5:21 PM
They put water on it before taking the picture...and wow, that's some color!

Rennie Heuer
11-27-2006, 6:41 PM
Rosita Lumber? I think I dated her sister in high school.

Sorry, couldn't resist. :p

Doug Shepard
11-27-2006, 8:44 PM
You had me curious as I'd never heard of Rosita so I did some Googling. Try searching for Chacte-coc. One UK website I found listed that as another name for Rosita. Then it dawned on me that I'd run across this stuff before, only the dealer where I saw it spelled it Chakte-Kok. It was even redder than the stuff on Hearne's website - dont know if it keeps that color for long after machining though as most of them dont. I saw it at Woodworkers source on a visit to relatives in AZ. They still have it listed:

Before discovering the Chakte-Kok link I stumbled across pics of a few things made from Rosita. I suspect the color might darken over time to look like the drum shell on this site (you'll have to scroll down quite a bit to get to the Rosita model). Very pretty wood, but not much red to it on the pic.

Mike Parzych
11-27-2006, 9:48 PM
Aha!....another wood mystery solved. I'd heard of Chakte kok before. I looked it up at hobbithouse:


and found it's also gota more common name - Redheart:


Hehe....saw some Redheart at Rocklers last week and it didn't look nearly as red, but most of their species looks like only an Approximation of the real thing.

Thanks for the help in clearing this up Doug!