View Full Version : Anti-Vibration Gloves - Are they effective?

Glen Blanchard
11-26-2006, 8:46 PM
Anyone wearing anti-vibration gloves (like in the link below) while using an ROS? Are they of benefit?


Along these lines, I use a P/C 333 (I think that's the model number) ROS and wish it were quieter with less vibration. Are there any out there that meet these criteria? Dewalt? Festool? Others?

Jack Ferrell
11-26-2006, 9:00 PM
Glen, I don't have that paticular pair of gloves as I bought a pair off the bay with a gel pad in the palm. It did seem to help some, but not as much as I had hoped. Those may be better, dunno. Good luck.

Doug Shepard
11-26-2006, 9:02 PM
Dont know about that particular brand but in general I'd say they're effective. I just reach for the pair I bought for bike riding when I need them. I usually forget about them until after my hands are already tired and sore from ROS use, but putting them on sure seems to help. Just wish I could remember to put them on before I start.

Jim Becker
11-26-2006, 10:03 PM
I wore them when I owne my PC333 sanders...they did help. I still have them somewhere as I sometimes use the left one when turning something that is throwing off hot shavings to avoid a burn. But I don't need them with my current ROS system.

Glen Blanchard
11-26-2006, 10:07 PM
But I don't need them with my current ROS system.

Let me guess.....Festool?

Jim Becker
11-26-2006, 10:41 PM
Let me guess.....Festool?
Bingo.... :D

Seriously, I can sand for hours with the 150/3. Even with the gloves I had to stop after about a half hour with either of the PC 333 sanders...my hand would get numb and tinglie... Without the gloves...it was painful. But my hands are somewhat sensitive, too...I have a lot of problems with my right hand and wrist and do anything I can to avoid making it worse.

Joe Jensen
11-26-2006, 10:57 PM
Bingo.... :D

Seriously, I can sand for hours with the 150/3. Even with the gloves I had to stop after about a half hour with either of the PC 333 sanders...my hand would get numb and tinglie... Without the gloves...it was painful. But my hands are somewhat sensitive, too...I have a lot of problems with my right hand and wrist and do anything I can to avoid making it worse.

Jim, what other Festool sanders do you have? I have the 1/2 sheet RS2-E and it's super smooth. I have the RO150 and it's ok in random mode, about like my Porter cable 6" RO. I also have the RS400, and it's harder on my hands that the old Makita 1/4 sheet I've used for years. I agree the 150/3 is awesom and it's my next purchase...joe

Robert Goodwin
11-26-2006, 11:02 PM
And they do help. I wear them when I use my PC ROS. I would love the Festool, but for now the gloves keep my fingers from going numb:eek:

Dan Drager
11-26-2006, 11:09 PM
I have a Dewalt ROS and I have been pleased with the releif I get from a pait of palm padded leather gloves. Try www.conney.com (http://www.conney.com) for your gloves. Cheaper than Woodcraft and shipping is scary fast. I use these guys for all kinds of things like my safety and sun glasses, gloves, dust masks, etc....

Glen Blanchard
11-26-2006, 11:13 PM
Seriously, I can sand for hours with the 150/3.
Is the 150/3 available in a 5" version?

Is it quieter than my P/C 333?

J.R. Rutter
11-27-2006, 6:10 AM
I have to use gloves even with my Festool sanders or my carpal tunnel syndrome acts up. Any glove helps. I've started wearing the latex dipped gloves - the thermal version has just enough cushioning for me. I've used the gel gloves in the past and they worked very well for me.

Jim Becker
11-27-2006, 9:19 AM
Jim, what other Festool sanders do you have?

I have three, Joe...150/3, RO 150 and the DS with both the rectangular and "corner" pad setups. All of them are very smooth with nearly no or no noticeable vibration. The 150/3 is pretty much attached to the CT-22 all the time so I can quickly grab it. I actually use the sander a lot more now, smoothing components prior to assembly when it's easier to do so, rather than putting it off until the end.

Jim Becker
11-27-2006, 9:26 AM
Is the 150/3 available in a 5" version?

Is it quieter than my P/C 333?

The ES125 is a 5" ROS. The RO 125 is a 5" dual mode ROS/Orbital sander. I happen to like the 6" versions, but they certainly seem to sell a lot of the 5", too. Bob Marino could give you a good rundown on the key differences.

I find the Festool sanders to be reasonably quiet. I never did a direct comparison to the PC, however. I also cut noise down by throttling back the CT-22 to about half speed which is all that is necessary during sanding and helps reduce "sticking" of the tool when you get to the finer grit abrasives.