View Full Version : Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
11-02-2003, 9:14 PM
Well, another weekend has come and gone. I didn't get much shop time in this weekend since I am oncall for "work". I managed to get by with only working 34 hours this weekend and am R-E-A-D-Y to go to bed now. Haven't slept since Saturday morning and I only had 3 hours sleep before that!!!!

I did manage to do a little "turning" during slow periods and managed to break my large tool rest on the lathe. I guess that is what I get for turning a LARGE dry piece of wood on the lathe and catching a knot on the outside strong enough to "snap" the tool rest.!!!! Sounded like a 22 rifle when she snapped.!!!! Yup, scared me really bad, but I still have all 10 digits..!!!! Thankfully..!!!!

So what did you do this weekend?

Best of weeks.........

Von Bickley
11-02-2003, 11:40 PM
I was able to finish the kitchen cabinet that I was building for a lady. Got my son-in-law to help me deliver it Saturday evening. The lady and her husband were well pleased with the cabinet, and I was well pleased with the check.

Noah Alkinburgh
11-03-2003, 8:30 AM
I didn't get really any woodworking done except turning a cedar blank mostly true.

I did however get to meet a fellow member of the Creek. Wes Bischel is a great guy and we had a terrific morning checking out a local sawmill/lumber yard. It was quite the find with some nice lumber at some nice prices. We got to watch them mill up a cherry log while we were there. They had some beautiful amborsia maple that I am jonesing for now. The most intersting find was the huge snake skin in the ambrosia maple pile. Mr. Hollister (the owner) was none to excited over that find...we all had a good laugh over his reaction to this.

I did get the final pavers layed for the patio this weekend and almost all of the first course of the back retaining wall!! The weather was amazing. This is the weather I have been waiting for since May to try and get this done. 75 degrees on November 2...you wont hear any complanints from me.

Bob Lasley
11-03-2003, 8:50 AM

Since you worked so much this weekend, you have my permission to take the rest of the week off to rest and make sawdust.

I had a fair amount of shop time this weekend in spite of having company most of it. SWMBO and her sister and brother-in-law went on rather lengthy bike rides both Saturday and Sunday. As soon as they pedaled out of the driveway I hit the shop. :) Work on the Christmas projects progressed nicely.

Have a great week everyone,

Byron Trantham
11-03-2003, 10:31 AM
Didn't do much in the shop this weekend. Applied some shellac to a shelf and that was about it. I've been working on my new web site. I'll post its opening soon. For those of you who have done this, you know it never seems "done." :mad:

Scott Coffelt
11-03-2003, 11:22 AM
Well, Friday I spent some time trying to track down Tiger Maple, a local store had some but not the sizes I needed. He did say he was ordering some more within about 2 weeks. I gave him my number and said call me when it comes in. Project is on the docate for the holidays, so no rush.

I spent much of the rest of the day cleaning the Binks 2001, sure cleaned up real nice. Couldn't locate a rebuild kit, so I assembled it and will work to locate one on the web. The pressure pot was a real mess and I still have lots of work to get it cleaned up. :p

Changed the oil in the kid's car, also tried to seal a leak in the sunroof of her 1991 Saturn SL1. I put in a new seal, but it still leaks like there is no seal. I am stumped on this one, not sure how water is getting in. :confused:

Spent Saturday and some of yesterday working on the entertainment center. I assembled the backs, glued, sanded and installed the solid Oak tops, put on 1/4 trim pieces to cover the plywood edges. Built drawers, well at least cut the pieces. I used one of those drawer lock bits for the first time. Everything went pretty well after a few test cuts. Would have assembled the dang things but proceeded to cut the drawer bottoms short and no material left to redo. Note to self: test fit after the first cut to ensure you didn't pull a bone head move.... :rolleyes: So today I have to pick up some more 1/4" stock. :mad:

I get to work on drawers, doors and drawer fronts this week. :p

Richard Allen
11-03-2003, 11:32 AM
I had a good weekend. I did another 15 bottle stoppers and worked a little more on the stand Saturday.

Sunday I had an intro to woodturning class:


They were terrific students with very few expletives muttered.


John Miliunas
11-03-2003, 1:20 PM
Took Friday off. Unloaded a truckfull (pickup) of firewood for shop heat. Went to the big city to meet my best buddy and got the new TV antenna he had ordered for me. Beat feet back to the "country" and found voice message that the trucking company was "looking for me". Finally got hold of them and met the trucker at a local truck stop to take delivery of my new BW 10LTS. :) Got home, nobody else around to help unload. :( Put some of the firewood away and started tearing down old Delta contractor TS. Sat. morning, friend came over and helped me offload the BW. Got a check from him for my old Delta, too! Later in the morning, went back to the same truck stop and took delivery of my "new" used Outback. :) Filled up the tank (I think there was barely enough to get it off the truck!) :( Met LOML at the local lumberyard auction she was at and found out I had to go back home and get the trailer. She bought a nice 12' piece of counter-top, which we needed and some bi-fold doors, which we also needed. 'Course, the doors were part of a "lot" bid, so we ended up with a bunch more bi-fold doors, which we didn't "need". OK. They'll work for shelving. Sunday, hung cabinets in LOML's laundry room and installed that 12' top on the base cabinets. Finally, got to start setting up the TS. Almost there, but exhaustion finally got the better of me. Had supper and watched the Packers hand in a stellar performance at the Dome. Have a great week, all! :cool:

Tom Sweeney
11-03-2003, 3:20 PM
Friday I left work early :D & headed up to the Woodworks show at Ft. Washington. I had volunteered to help out Ellis at the Sawdust Cafe' - so I didn't get to see any of the demos :( but I did buy a new Talon chuck for my lathe. HMM a $190 chuck for a $30 lathe what's wrong with this picture :rolleyes:
Saturday I putzed around the house - caulking up around the windows where the Stucco guy just finished. Guy did a beautiful job for a fairly reasonable price. First really good contractor experience I've had in years - no offense to my contractor friends here - but it's true..

I also started turning a bowl - but didn't finish cause we had a special Church service Sat night. Sunday after Church I don't know what hit me but I couldn't get up off the couch. When I finally did it was dark so I headed out to the shop & finished my bowl using the new chuck - worked out very nicely.

John, Glad to hear things are going well with the house & all your new stuff!

Scott - a thought on your leaky sunroof. There should be 1 or more drain holes in the sunroof - near the seal - check to make sure they are not clogged up - run a peice of wire through them & blow them out with compressed air.

Jim Becker
11-04-2003, 10:13 AM
Unfortunately, this was pretty much a Non-woodworking weekend...other than the Woodworks 2003 show in Ft Washington PA on Sunday. LOML's sister, 3-year-old daughter and a friend were visiting on Saturday and over night until Sunday morning, so "a lot" of house cleaning was necessary to both child-proof things and make the place presentable. (We haven't yet re-hired a cleaning service since the kitchen renovation as there is still too much stuff out of place)

The show on Sunday was enjoyable, although quiet due to the awesome "summer" weather...at the beginning of November. Too many folks were catching rays, rather than walking the isles of the convention facilities!

I did take possession (sort of) of my new toy at the show, but there was a period of time consisting of complete panic when I learned that my friend Russ (with the lift-gate truck...) was not there--his wife had a medical crisis mid-week and I hadn't heard about it. At that point, it was your basic "bring the 700 lb machine home of the back of a pickup truck" deal and I was scrambling to find some help at the other end to assist getting it off the back of the truck and onto the carry-all I have for my tractor. (this is a pallet-like attachment that goes on the three-point hitch at the rear of the tractor) But the stars must have been in the right position as Russ drove into the convention center shortly before I found a fork-lift operator. The sight of his truck almost brought tears to my eyes! :p

The short of it is that the machine got onto his truck and then we proceeded to help Woodworker's Haven load out, filling their rental truck, Russ's truck and the bed and backseat of my pickup with tools and machinery. As it was late when we were done putting said things back into the store, my machine is still on the back of Russ's truck and will hopefully be in my shop tonight. (My business travel precluded dealing with it last night) Once there, I have to rethink positioning slightly, but hopefully I can start testing it out this weekend.

I'll publish an "official" gloat later :D , but here's a pic of my new MiniMax FS-350 14" jointer/planer ready to wheel off the show floor:

John Miliunas
11-04-2003, 12:11 PM
I'll publish an "official" gloat later :D , but here's a pic of my new MiniMax FS-350 14" jointer/planer ready to wheel off the show floor:

Whew...And I thought the BW-10LTS was heavy! :rolleyes: Congrats. Quite the rig! :cool:

Dan Stuewe
11-04-2003, 4:10 PM
Took Thurs and Fri off with my wife to do this...