View Full Version : Starrett

Ryan Cathey
11-25-2006, 9:35 PM
I bought some starrett stuff today. I got two rulers both 600's, one is 3 inches and the other is 6 inches. I also got a 46 but I'm not real sure on what it is used for. Was this a good deal for 10 dollars total?

-Ryan C.

Terek Johnson
11-25-2006, 9:42 PM
What kinda shape are they in? Are they straight? Are they something you really want?
A brand new Starrett combo square runs about $60.00.
Starrett is pretty much the benchmark for accuracy, so if the rulers are in good shape, then yeah, you got a great deal.

Ryan Cathey
11-25-2006, 9:49 PM
Some surface rust on the rules that I haven't got to yet and they are straight. The number 46 thing isn't a combo square but is umm, well...I don't know but it is a rectangle that measures (whips out new starrett rulers) 3.5 inches long by .75 inches wide with two holes, one in about the middle and one on the right edge. There is thin rule only 3/16'' wide and 4" long that is held in one of the holes with a small screw thingy, which can be moved to the other hole if so desired. Hope that helps.

-Ryan C.

Bill Houghton
11-25-2006, 9:50 PM
It's hard to go wrong with Starrett tools - they're very good tools.

If by "46" you mean a really skinny rule held onto a cross-bar with a thumbscrew, what you've got is a depth gauge, for measuring the depth of holes, grooves, etc. Useful for the times that you need to do this, but, in my experience, only sometimes vital in woodworking compared to measuring with the rule on a combination square or even just holding a rule in place and eyeballing the graduations. HOWEVER, the skinny rule is quite often helpful for measuring in tight spots.

I've got a 2" rule, also a Starrett, that I use very infrequently, but it was so cute I couldn't turn it down. You'll use the 6" rule frequently.

$10 is more than I'd have paid, but I've been shopping for a long time in what seems to be a fairly tool-rich area - if yours is sparser, $10 may not be bad. Certainly better than you could do (a) retail or (b) on the 'Bay.

Comment on rules in general: I've learned over the years that satin chrome finish or other bright, high-contrast finishes are well worth it. This may be a product of my advancing age, but I find the dark surfaces of plain steel rules darned hard to read.

Ryan Cathey
11-25-2006, 9:55 PM
Your description sounds right. Oh, and by the way this is very tool sparse area...ugh. It was 10 dollars for all three together if that wasn't clear earlier.

-Ryan C.

Bill Houghton
11-26-2006, 12:03 PM
To some degree, we make the tools we have work for what we have to measure. You may find that No. 46 depth gauge useful in ways I wouldn't use it, if you don't have the tools I'd use to do the job...if that's not too murky a statement.

As I say, it's hard to go wrong with Starrett tools.