View Full Version : anyone have info on the G2790 Universal Knife Grinder from Grizzly?

Rick de Roque
11-25-2006, 12:51 AM
I'm thinking of buying the G2790 Universal Knife Grinder from Grizzly, anyone have one and can tell me if it works and what grit wheel is best. I'm wanting it for my 20" planer blades and 8" jointer blades. At $60.00 a pop to sharpen my planer blades it would not take long to be money ahead...if it works correctly.



11-25-2006, 9:30 AM
I asked about that a couple years ago and all the reviews were that it was junk.

Kermit Hodges
11-25-2006, 9:50 AM
I bought a used one but it was damaged in shipping. Bent spindle.

While looking for another I discovered the Makita wet grinder. Just got one and I have only done one set of 12" blades but I am impressed. Go to Highland Hardware and look at their combo deal. Plus they have a PDF file you download with instructions on using it.

After seeing and using the Makita I think it would be far superior to the Grizzly. And I have yet to see a bad review on the Makita.

I sharpened some old chisels on there too and while I would like their jig for this, I still got most of them shaving sharp.

Craig Zettle
11-25-2006, 1:32 PM
Here is the deal on that jig. You mount the blade on a clamping device that slides on a grooved jig, but the blade holder just floats on top of the jig, and this allows way too much movement of the blade on the stone to be precise enough to get an even edge. I tried every tecnique under the sun to make it buff off an equal amount with each pass, but all you have to do is apply a little more or less pressure to the blade as you are moving it to buff off too much or too little blade. Setting the correct angle is extemely difficult as this setup is sloppy and not even remotely precise. It also gets hot and messes with the temper of the blade if you make too many passes, which you will when trying to correct the mistakes you will inevitably make with this jig.
Until they figure out a way to make the blade pass evenly across a WET grinding wheel, I say pass on it. The only thing going for this jig is the price. It simply did not work for me on large (20") planer blades.