View Full Version : Saturday double GLOAT!!!!!!

Terry Hatfield
11-02-2003, 12:38 AM
Hey folks,

Well, first things first. Payton's visit to SMSU went GREAT!!!!!! Multiple coaches went on and on about his leadership, attitude, athletic ability and of course his size. He checked in at a mere 6'5" 328 lbs. today. SMSU campus is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Athletic facilities are fantastic. Coaches are super. The best thing about the entire trip was the tour of the Academic Achievement Center and meeting the AAC director. She is totally committed to getting the players educated and graduated. The AAC is dedicated totally to the student athletes at SMSU. We are sending film and I believe Payton has a excellent chance of being a SMSU Bear. :D It's a long way to national signing day in Febuary, so he will keep his options open, but it's gonna be hard to top SMSU. Payton has worked so incredibly hard to get to this point. I am SO proud of him I could just explode. It seems like only yesterday that he ran onto the football field for the first time as a pudgy 2nd grader.:D My how time flies.....

Now on to the wwing part of the gloat. SMSU is in Springfield, MO. Interesting....so is Grizzly. :D It seems that there was just enough time for us to swing down to Griz and look what followed us home. :D It's a new Griz G0513 17" BS. I got it uncrated and the table on tonite. I'll finish assembling and testing tomorrow. I'll post my thoughts and also have a full review on my site soon.

BTW...SMSU 45 Indiana State 10.



Bruce Page
11-02-2003, 2:36 AM
You have reason to be very proud. Oh, nice BS too! I’m looking forward to reading your opinions.

Society, my dear, is like salt water, good to swim in but hard to swallow. — Arthur Stringer

David Rose
11-02-2003, 4:40 AM
Way to go Payton!!!!!! Congratulations, even if premature. You will make it and do fine.

Boy, I'm glad I've never met that "kid" with his helmet on! :D He's always been a nice guy when I've been around him. Terry, I think you once said he "only turns into a bear with his helmet on". Maybe that should have been Bear? Was that the school of choice when you said that?

Phooey on the stupid green saw. ;)


scott spencer
11-02-2003, 7:14 AM
Now, if he can run that saw too, you might be on to something here!

Congrats on both accounts.....

Kevin Gerstenecker
11-02-2003, 7:33 AM
Congratulations are in order for the Hatfield Family! Outstanding School Terry, I am sure the athletic and academic opportunities available for Payton will be top notch. 6'5", 328 lbs? My lands Terry, what are ya feeding that young man..........whatever it is, it works, and there must be a LOT of it! :D Payton looks like a fine young man that wouldn't hurt a flea.............until the helmet goes on. Ya know, most of the great Football players that have that intimidating size are Teddy Bears off the field, and one man wrecking crews on it. ;) I wish Payton all the success with his education and athletic endeavors.........I am sure he will excell at both. Now, for the Bandsaw score............what a great saw. Nice capacity, it should be excellent for whatever you throw at it. It must be nice to have Payton around when big tools like this are aquired............you can just uncrate it, assemble it, and tell Payton............."just pick 'er up and put 'er over there"! Heck, with a little saw like that, I'll bet he doesn't even have to set down his Soda to move it! :D Sounds like things are great at the Hatfield Home.......which is good to hear. :)

Todd Burch
11-02-2003, 8:02 AM
Congrats Terry! Be VERY VERY proud of your son.

Payton, steer a straight ship!


Glenn Clabo
11-02-2003, 8:07 AM
Congrats on the saw and the son. A proud Dad is always fun to watch. How does he get all that curly red stuff in a helmit?

The rest of this is unsolicited advice...please do not take offense if I'm saying things you already know. I just need to say something about the college sports recruiting world. I was a HS/Legion baseball coach for many years and I'm loaded with wonderful...and not so wonderful experience.

The college sports world is a sports business disguised as a free/lower cost educational experience. Don't get me wrong...I truly believe it is a wonderful experience and a once in a lifetime advantage to play college sports and get a good education. However, try to step back and realize that their job is on the line. They do play to your love of your son by making you and your son feel like he is the only player they want. Promises are many...

What I used to recommend to parents and kids was to sit back...enjoy the praise and let your son enjoy his senior year while looking at everyone through a business eye. Your primary question should always be...What are you going to do for my son? Don't get caught up with...boy am I lucky that they are recruiting him.

Look at the graduation rate of the players. Look at the scholarship amounts and how they are passed out. Does your son know that he will spend all his "other than" study hours practicing....working out...playing...being watched over by the staff...even in off season? Ask questions like...what if he gets hurt? What if he has problems keeping his grades up? How do they deal with redshirting...scholarship eligibility? Will they insist on a "real" college major? And one of the biggest questions that I found never seems to get asked...Does your sons interests fit the school education wise? He may end up good enough to make it to the big time (visions all good jocks have) for a short period of his life...but....

Okay enough from me. It's one of those things I can't keep my big mouth shut about. Be proud Terry...Just be careful. I'm sure he's an incredible kid.

Dennis Peacock
11-02-2003, 8:16 AM
Give my congrats to Payton..!!!!

BTW, it's about time you got a BS that you can actually cut something with.... ;)

I know you are a proud papa and busting your buttons about that BS, uh, I mean that Son Payton......I'll have to come up and visit you and take the new BS for a test drive. :)

Terry Hatfield
11-02-2003, 8:47 AM

Lots of kids wish they had not met him with the helmet on. He is measuring this season in broken chin straps and face masks. :D


Terry Hatfield
11-02-2003, 8:49 AM

He pretty much eats everything he sees. The day he was born the doctor looked at me and said "I hope you have a good job". :D


Terry Hatfield
11-02-2003, 9:08 AM

His hair is shorter now. :D Last week the local paper did a piece on Springdale's offensive linemen. They have 7 seniors on the O line. Payton had a wonderful quote in the paper. He is very well spoken. The head coach told him he was proud of the quote and not to come back until his hair was cut. :D He has always been somewhat of a free spirit. He is a great kid and if his hair is a bit too long, I can accept that considering what many other 17 year olds are doing, but I did thank the coach for the hair cut. :D

We have no delusions about the scholarship deal. This is my first time dealing with any of this, but Springdale has a recruting coordinator on staff that gives these kids (and Dad's) some really good advice. He told me specifically that the colleges are selling themselves to Payton, not the other way around. Payton has the grades and the ACT score to go where ever he wants. He wants a football scholarship very badly, but knows it's not the end of the world one way or the other. He is leaning toward going into coaching. SMSU is a good "teachers" college. He realizes he's got to be a teacher AND a coach. SMSU is a good fit, but so are several other schools. Payton is a STUDENT/athlete. In that order. Football is his passion, but he realizes that this is about getting an education, not just about playing football. The people at SMSU made it clear that they were looking for good young men and the football would take care of it's self. That impressed me and Payton as well. He is mature way past his 17 years. He will be the first to tell you he is not like any other 17 year old kid you have ever met. I believe that and believe in him. He will be just fine with or without a football schloarship.

I do hope he gets a scholarship to whatever school he decides on. Springdale actually got him his own "personal trainer" for the off season. He was a wonderful man that I am truly grateful for. Payton had to meet him at the school at 6 am, 5 days a week for the entire summer to work out for 2 hrs. Not weight lifting but rather all speed stuff. He basically jumped boxes for 2 hours a day. :eek: The dedication that Ron showed to Payton was wonderful. Hopefully it will result in a full ride, but if not Payton will be just fine anyway.

Thanks for the advice,


Terry Hatfield
11-02-2003, 9:11 AM

Thanks. I'm getting ready to start Cheryl's entertainment center project. I want to resaw some of those big 'ole white oak boards I've had stashed to make book matched panels. The old 1019 would only resaw 10". This one will resaw 12". The panels are 11 3/8" wide, so that will be a true test of the new saw.

Come and see us when you can,


Jim Becker
11-02-2003, 9:20 AM
Double congrats to the double-gloat! Both are extraordinary in their own way. Your son has opportunities in front of him that few get to consider...be proud!

The saw is nice, too...hee hee

Ken Salisbury
11-02-2003, 9:55 AM

So - as I have told ya before -- -- the recruiting war is really a WAR. I have spent an untold amount of time during my coaching career in that arena. Since we have discussed this several times I only have a couple of reminders for you.

The best choice will be a school that satisifies Payton's educational desires.

A message for Payon: "Be patient and consider all the options before putting the "x" on the dotted line." You will receive lots of pressure from those schools who are recruiting you (that number will grow much larger in the coming months) to commit early to them. Wait until you are absolutely sure of your choice.

One thing I might add to what has been said here is to take extreme care to know the NCAA rules related to recruiting. I have seen some real disasters involving recruiting violations. When in doubt -- don't do it.

Good Luck,

Coach Salisbury

Ken Wright
11-02-2003, 10:00 AM
know you're proud of your "Bear" and Grizzly. Boy could I use that Griz!!! My 14" ole Jet is driving me nuts.........

As a veteran of the "recruiting wars" in 1986, I would echo the sound advice offered by Glenn Clabo. My son, first string on 4 of 5 Chicago area allstar teams in '86 who was 6"2, 215# and ran a 4.4/40, was recruited by no less than 52 colleges including most of the top schools. The closer it came to that magical February day, the more business like the process became. Although he ended up at Ga Tech for which I was very proud ...... he became so disgusted with the sport that he resigned the day after he got there. I've had no appetite for football since.

So enjoy the fun and I wish you the best for your son.

Terry Hatfield
11-02-2003, 10:26 AM
Thanks Ken for all your good advice as usual,

Payton has already been told to wait, weigh all the options and not to commit to ANYONE until national signing day. Seems the big boys get recruited late, unless you are 300 lbs and run 4.8. Payton is a good player, but not that good.

We are being careful what we say and do. Thanks goodness for Springdale's recruiting cordinator. He is keeping me and Payton focused on the end goal....the right education. If football is a means to that end then great. If the right deal is not there, then he will take his academics and go the the RIGHT school for him. Education first. Football second. I promise.

After yesterday I understand how players and especially Dads get wrapped up in the recuiting deal. It was a great experience for Payton and for me as well. I want him to visit every school that is interested in him, but the final decision comes down to education. I was really impressed with SMSU's committment to education. Most of the conversations really did center around education. That made me feel really good about them, but it's a long way until Feb. We will just have to wait and see.

I'll keep you posted,


Terry Hatfield
11-02-2003, 10:28 AM

Thanks. I have heard many recruiting horror stories of kids that had the size and speed of your son. Sorry to hear how that went. This sounds kind of crazy, but I'm almost glad that Payton is not the "super star".



Steve Nelson
11-02-2003, 11:20 AM
Hey folks,

Well, first things first. Payton's visit to SMSU went GREAT!!!!!! Multiple coaches went on and on about his leadership, attitude, athletic ability and of course his size. He checked in at a mere 6'5" 328 lbs. today. SMSU campus is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Athletic facilities are fantastic. Coaches are super. The best thing about the entire trip was the tour of the Academic Achievement Center and meeting the AAC director. She is totally committed to getting the players educated and graduated. The AAC is dedicated totally to the student athletes at SMSU. We are sending film and I believe Payton has a excellent chance of being a SMSU Bear. :D It's a long way to national signing day in Febuary, so he will keep his options open, but it's gonna be hard to top SMSU. Payton has worked so incredibly hard to get to this point. I am SO proud of him I could just explode. It seems like only yesterday that he ran onto the football field for the first time as a pudgy 2nd grader.:D My how time flies.....

Now on to the wwing part of the gloat. SMSU is in Springfield, MO. Interesting....so is Grizzly. :D It seems that there was just enough time for us to swing down to Griz and look what followed us home. :D It's a new Griz G0513 17" BS. I got it uncrated and the table on tonite. I'll finish assembling and testing tomorrow. I'll post my thoughts and also have a full review on my site soon.

BTW...SMSU 45 Indiana State 10.


Congratulations Payton, Terrt you have something to be very proud of in Payton. You and Cheryl deserve kudos for 2 very good kids. We all hope the best for Payton in the upcoming recruiting wars, I'm sure he will do very well. Nice saw......Steve

Jeff Hamilton
11-02-2003, 11:42 AM
Mr T.
Congrats to both of you. I hope that Payton gets the scholarship to the school he wishes to go to. I'll be over later to give that new saw a try.
You lucky DOG!!! on both accounts.
Jeff H.

Bob Lasley
11-02-2003, 1:45 PM

You are a lucky man to have Payton for a son, not to mention a certain little red headed young lady as a daughter. I am quite sure both are a reflection on Mom and Dad, well, Mom for sure! :D I'm certain Payton will do well where ever he ends up.

Congrats on the new BS. Seems like that new Grizz stuff just keeps finding it's way into your shop!
