View Full Version : Abysserators: Christmas list Hints needed

Ned Bulken
11-24-2006, 8:57 AM
OK all you Abysserators,
The LOML and extended family are all asking' what do you want for christmas?'. Well, I'm between shops Still (unless my trailer steal, er, um deal comes through), so I'm not actively doing any woodworking right now. :(

However, I'm not giving up the ghost yet. I'd like to give them a 'wish list' for christmas gifts, but without breaking their budgets. What are some 'budget' turning items which would be useful when I get that round TUIT and buy a midi-lathe (leaning toward either Jet or Rikon at the moment)in the semi-near future?

I already have a set of HSS lathe tools I picked up awhile back. WHat other small/useful items will I need? Thanks for any/all advice.

Mark Pruitt
11-24-2006, 10:00 AM
One gift that wouldn't break the bank and would prove useful is a smock. I know Lee Valley sells one and Packard has one as well. Other thoughts: I don't know what you have in the way of sanding, but the Power Lock system is a pretty good sanding tool that works off of your drill. Packard has that too. Another gift idea would be one of those large metal dust pans if you don't already have one. Gee...there's a thousand other ideas...how about going to Lee Valley's website and clicking on Gifts--then you should see Woodworker under the Recipient list to the right.

BTW, I was wondering where you disappeared to. Glad you're back. Hope you get that shop set up soon.

Ned Bulken
11-24-2006, 5:06 PM
Thanks Mark,
I actually have 'been' here all along, daily reading of most of the goings on, just haven't had much to contribute, so I've been on the sidelines. Now, if I get that nearly free trailer as I hope to, I Might be gloating left right center for'ard and back. THen I'll at least have a place to warm up and make some sawdust in, for 'smaller' projects anyway; some scrolling and possibly some turning if I get the heat and such working.

John Hart
11-25-2006, 6:39 AM
I would just ask everyone for sandpaper. I have dreams of having a full stock of sandpaper...every grit I need. Glue...alcohol...small paint brushes...stuff like that is cheap and stocks the shop.

David Fried
11-25-2006, 8:39 AM
The kids asked me to put together a list for myself to give them some guidance. I've got a bandsaw blade for cutting green wood, a center finder, and the Woodcraft shop clock with thermometer/hygrometer. All under that magic 20 dollar mark.

Martin Braun
11-25-2006, 10:38 PM
I've got bandsaw blades, HSS bits for making HF tools, a metal spinning DVD, and some other small odds & ends for making tools on my list. You can of course have somebody get you a magazine subscription, or better yet a membership to the AAW (local and/or national). My local chapter membership easily pays for itself with all the DVDs & books I borrow from the chapter library. Not to mention the demos.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-25-2006, 10:46 PM
Things that I use most often that don't break the bank......plastic center finder.........diamond dust credit card-like hone......a quick touch on turning tools between sharpenings does wonders......a jacobs chuck .....

Dean Thomas
09-28-2007, 7:04 PM
Whatcha wanna make, Ned?

Pen kits, kaleidoscope kits, pen blanks, gift certificates to your favorite toy store. 8"-1725rpm grinder, new 100 and 80 grit 8"x1" wheels.

Craft Supply in Utah markets a couple of nifty segmented vessel kits that look really nice when completed.

Bowl blanks from eBay or local provider.

Smock was a good one. Tool roll for your lathe tools to keep 'em from getting tattered. Magazine subscription or book or video. I also liked the dues to AAW or nearby chapter entry. With a local membership, you normally have access to LOTS of mags, books, and videos, plus the fellowship, raffles, auctions, bargains, and demos!

Oh, the lysst for filling (HAH!!) the abyss is as endless as the abyss itself! ;)