View Full Version : Wood Working Shows

Jerry Bittner
11-23-2006, 11:16 AM
Just saw the schedule in Wood Magazine (Dec/Jan issue) for the 2006-2007 wood working shows.

I know there are various other shows so what I'm seeking is whether these particular sponsored shows are worth attending.

Never have attended one so naturally I'm looking for the "best" with the least amount of travel. For me, the one in Maryland is closest.

If anyone has attended these and has an opinon, I'd like to hear it. Also, are there any other shows anyone is aware of in or close to the Carolinas?

Jim Becker
11-23-2006, 11:46 AM
Jerry, I generally enjoy attending the shows for a day to walk around, see what's going on with the vendors who attend, and meet up with other woodworkers I may know. I also made some good deals with Mini Max relative to shows and sometimes pick up some small things that catch my eye. But I don't go to them thinking that I'll find "bargans"...it generally doesn't happen. It's more of a social event...

The WOOD seminars are generally good. I've sat through a few partially just to get their flavor. Some of it is pretty basic, however. But there are usually other demonstrations and this woodworking thing is something you can usually learn something new by just watching.

Bruce Wrenn
11-23-2006, 10:50 PM
Jerry, only wood working show in NC this winter will be the Carolinas Expo in Greensboro in Feb. It is aimed at the professional trade (furniture and cabinet making) Usually the same week as Valentines day. One year fell on Valentines day- attendence was down that day. We know who rules the roost! If you are thinking about going,and want to spend nite in Raleigh area, go over to NC Woodworker site and look for offers a little later. DON'T pay registration as free codes will be published on NC Woodworker later. Other WW shows are in Baltimore in early Jan and DC in March. I would be interested in going to DC, but will be in Savannah GA for St Patricks day celebration. ( Hey, it's only 600 miles one way) The Charlotte show was deleted from list as a church was rumored to have bought merchandise mart. IWF is in Atlanta on even numbered years. It is HUGE! Still mainly for prof woodworker. If you don't fequent NC Woodworker site, you should. It is for woodworkers from NC and a few outsiders ( up state SC and southside VA)

Chris Barton
11-24-2006, 8:24 AM

If you really want the fullest experience possible go to an IFW show. I did my first this year and it was great.