View Full Version : Woodworks Show Report

Bill Grumbine
10-31-2003, 8:41 PM
Greetings all

SWMBO and I just returned from the Woodworks show in Ft Washington PA. We spent three hours working for Ellis at the Sawdust Café. It was seriously easy work, standing around talking to folks I knew from various woodworking forums and meeting new ones. I got to meet my "neighbor" Bill Murphy from Reading, who is roughly the same size and shape as I am. ;)

I didn't spend a lot of time wandering around the rest of the show, but I did spend a few dollars. I got permission to buy a set of router bits and a Lee Valley scraper plane, which will be sent to me from the Great White North (or thereabouts). Oh yeah, I also bought a Minimax CU300 Smart. Well, not exactly bought outright, but rather put a deposit on a honey of a deal. I am buying the show model for the 2004 show. Yes, that is the right date, Nov 2004, one year from now. Buying the show model does several things. It saves me a bunch of money on shipping, it gets me the show price, and I got some extras thrown in for taking the machine. Most important, it gives me time to come up with the rest of the moolah.

I did some serious study on the Minimax and the Hammer. Without going into a lot of justification or reasoning, after reading, talking with owners, and looking both machines over very closely, I decided on the Minimax. Erik the rep sweetened the pot for me in the process, making the decision even easier. Best of all, if something bad happens in the next year, and I can’t do the deal, I can get out unscathed up to 60 days before delivery. After that there is the possibility of monetary penalties in the event they can’t sell the machine to someone else, but the risk is minor.

So, I guess this is a bit of a gloat, but I can’t really for another year. The process is in motion though. I just have to schedule the sale of the tools which will be replaced to coincide with the arrival of the new machine so that I experience a minimal amount of down time. I’ve already got a line of people who want my jointer. Anyone looking for a vintage Delta unisaw in excellent condition with lots of goodies? How about a DeWalt planer? And, are you willing to wait for a bit to take possession? :D


Jim Becker
10-31-2003, 8:48 PM
Congratulations on the "future gloat", Bill! I'm sure that Erik was very happy to make you happy...he and his fellow "MiniMaxers" are nice folks. (I'm looking forward to him handing over the "keys" to my new toy on Sunday night! hee hee)

Seriously, major machine purchases like this can really be made easier financially when you make arrangements to accept a show display unit--vendors really don't want to take that iron back home since it will need to be sold as "not new" anyway. You also avoid all the cosmoline cleaning, shipping cost and potentially sales tax, depending on where the show is and where you live. The labor to get it home and into the shop is about the only "extra" you incur on your own.

Of course, you've beat everyone else to next year's CU300 machine now, too!

Anthony Yakonick
10-31-2003, 8:55 PM
When I saw you in the booth a second time I started wondering if you were close to a deal :)

Dave Avery
11-01-2003, 8:21 AM
Great news, Bill. And it's not really a future gloat, Jim. Once you get permission, it's all down hill from there :)

While I'm NOT an aspiring turner, I think I need to visit the Kutztown area for lessons of a different variety...... like "how to convince the boss that you absolutely must have '.......' tool". One of your many talents, bill, seems to be the art of persuasion. Good luck waiting for fulfillment. Dave.

Jim Becker
11-01-2003, 10:39 AM
And it's not really a future gloat, Jim. Once you get permission, it's all down hill from there

Permission? 'Don't need no stinkin' permission! It's one of the wonderful things about LOML...we make major decisions about things that affect us both together, such as the kitchen renovation, but remain independent enough to pursue our individual hobbies as we wish. Besides...she gets almost all the work that comes out of the shop. That's win-win in my book! :D

Tom Sweeney
11-01-2003, 9:42 PM
Good seeing you & Lisa again yesterday. I wondered why I still saw you there a while after you left the booth :D

It looked like a pretty decent show - though I didn't get a chance to see any of the demonstrations that were going on.

Dave Avery
11-01-2003, 10:25 PM
Permission? 'Don't need no stinkin' permission! It's one of the wonderful things about LOML...we make major decisions about things that affect us both together, such as the kitchen renovation, but remain independent enough to pursue our individual hobbies as we wish. Besides...she gets almost all the work that comes out of the shop. That's win-win in my book! :D

We don't operate too differently, Jim. My rule of thumb is that if it's more than a grand, I ask. I've been pretty active in the tool buying area lately, too. Finally, we just sunk significant $$$,$$$ in a 1200 sf addition, so we're watchting things a little more closely than usual. Long winded way of saying "you're right"..... as usual :)


Jim Becker
11-02-2003, 9:15 AM
We don't operate too differently, Jim.

I hope I didn't sound like I was trivializing things...what's most important is that every household do what is best for their given situation when it comes to spending money on hobbies. Savings comes first for me...my toys are just icing on the cake...as I do intend to retire someday. (And if that dang Prize Patrol would show up like they keep promising in their mailings it could be sooner!! :D )

Martin Shupe
11-02-2003, 7:10 PM
Bill, when you get a chance, please post a review of the LV scraper plane. I am just starting to buy hand planes, and that is one I am considering.

Also, do you have a date for the 3rd Annual Five Barns Picnic?

I am going to try to bring the wife and kids, if the date works with my vacation.


Bill Grumbine
11-03-2003, 8:31 AM
Good morning all

Jim, doing business with Erik was a real pleasure. It is very nice to deal with a sales rep that knows his product and is enthusiastic without being pushy. He was also able to compare the two machines I was looking at (Minimax and Hammer) without being negative about the Hammer, but rather emphasizing the features of the Minimax. I did see your machine sitting there, and I hope there wasn't too much drool to wipe off when you got it home.

Anthony, when we went back it we for the yes or no. He made me a tremendous deal, and it was not a hard decision, since we had been talking about it for some time before the show. I could not have made it without SWMBO being present, and she even said so. There was no way I could have described the situation over the phone, but when she saw it with her own eyes, it was a done deal.

Dave, after reading all the responses here, I don't know if you need to come see me, I need to come and see you. We are up to the $50.00 limit of talking before spending! But, that has been the secret to our happy marriage (or one of them anyway ;) ). She would not have been happy at all if I had made a decision like that without her, but she is always supportive if it can be shown to be good for the business and she is included in the process.

Tom, I spent so much time at the two combo machine booths, I hardly saw any of the rest of the show - I never even got to look around for any of my turning buddies! :eek: But, it was worth the trip.

Martin, I should have the plane in two weeks or so, according the the guy at the Lee Valley Booth. I was sort of hoping to take it home with me, as I am in the process of building a bunch of curly maple Shaker inspired quilt stands, but it was not meant to be. The stands have to be done for a show in two weeks, so the plane will most likely not arrive in time. However, when it does, I will be glad to post my experiences with it.

We do have a date for the Five Barns Picnic. In order to avoid the Antique Auto Show which clogs every hotel for miles around, we are moving it to the last weekend in July, so it will be July 29 and 30, 2004. Mark you calendars folks!
