View Full Version : Brad Point Drill Bit Magazine Review?

glenn bradley
11-21-2006, 11:24 PM
OK, I'm a knucklehead. I cannot remember (or find which is unusual) the one of our favorite mags that did reviews on brad point bits. After trying and dislikeing several 'inexpensive' types I realize I need to step up. Does anyone recall the mag that drilled 1000 holes apiece on about a dozen different brands of bits?



David Rose
11-21-2006, 11:31 PM
Sorry, I didn't see the article Glenn. But Lee Valley's bits do a really good job for me. I had one bit that didn't last. They replaced it quickly.


OK, I'm a knucklehead. I cannot remember (or find which is unusual) the one of our favorite mags that did reviews on brad point bits. After trying and dislikeing several 'inexpensive' types I realize I need to step up. Does anyone recall the mag that drilled 1000 holes apiece on about a dozen different brands of bits?



Gary Keedwell
11-22-2006, 12:01 AM
I remember that article and think Lee Valley was the winner. If I was you I would get the ones with the lips that will give you a nice clean entry hole.
Also, don't waste your money on "high carbon" drill bits. They get hot real fast and that results in a dull bit. Spend a little more and get HSS drill bits, they will practically last forever , drilling wood.
Gary K.

Mark Singer
11-22-2006, 12:08 AM
I think it was Fine Woodworking

Kristian Wild
11-22-2006, 1:30 AM
FWW #180, Dec. 2005


Byron Trantham
11-22-2006, 8:28 AM
I read that article and needed a 1/4" bit so I bought one from Lee Valley. I just used it a couple days ago on 3/4" oak veneer plywood and I was not happy. I tore the veneer pretty badly. My old made in China carbide tipped drill bit worked a lot better. I haven't had time to persue the issue.

Frank Fusco
11-22-2006, 9:23 AM
I think it was in WOOD magazine just a couple months ago.
I use mostly China import brad point bits and am completely satisfied with them.

11-22-2006, 12:31 PM
I recall the article and the Lee Valley bits won. That would be the good LV bits. They also have some inexpensive ones that did poorly.

David Rose
11-22-2006, 3:10 PM
That's right! Also, be aware that they are very speed sensitive. The fragile lips of any of them can heat quickly. DAMHIKT But I think my speed was only over recommended by 200 rpm. That wouldn't have made any real difference with a common twist drill.


I recall the article and the Lee Valley bits won. That would be the good LV bits. They also have some inexpensive ones that did poorly.

Gary Keedwell
11-22-2006, 7:42 PM
It bears repeating......HSS.

Gary K.

Tim Martin
11-22-2006, 8:43 PM
IMHO there is no need to buy expensive Brad point drill bits.
You can make them yourself by just grinding normal bits to the shape on your bench grinder with a 1/8" (3mm or 2mm) white wheel.

When they get dull or damaged, its just simply a matter of touching them up again. Providing you don't break the drill bit in half or lose them:rolleyes: , they should last you forever.

You can make them from probably anything down to 4-5mm all the way up to whatever you want. Just like a spade bit.

Doug Mason
11-22-2006, 8:51 PM
I think WL Fuller has the best products. Go to the website and request a catalog. These people do this for a living and are very good.