View Full Version : Shellawax and EEE??

Thor Sorensen
11-21-2006, 5:39 PM
Do any of you have experience with U-Beaut Polishes Shellawax Cream and EEE Ultra shine? Woodcraft sells it and had some pieces finished with it that looked good but I would like to know how it compares to any of the other finishes you have experience with.

Kurt Forbes
11-21-2006, 5:52 PM
not the most durable finish but I really like it. if you have a coat of Ca glue under it all and just use it for a top coat the shellawax works great and the EEE does a decent job of takeing out the sanding scratches and polishing your work into a nice finish.
I make my own friction polish now and just add a bit of tripoli in one bottle to make my own EEE polish but I still use the same basic idea with it all.

Thor Sorensen
11-21-2006, 6:19 PM
What I haven't use CA as a finish yet. Are there others that are more durable that I should consider? I am making Kaleidoscopes.

Phil St.Germain
11-21-2006, 7:07 PM
Thor, I have been using the EEE as a final step on CA'ed finished pens for a couple years now and I am very happy with it. EEE does a nice job of bringing the CA to a nice gloss finish. My daily use pen has this finish and after 6 months shows no signs of wear at all.

Bob Noles
11-21-2006, 9:37 PM

Shellawax is a nice finish for items that will not be handled a lot. I have found it's durability to be a little weak for those situations where daily use, such as pens, come into play. Not a bad finish, but there are better choices available.

EEE is easy to use, but I have found Micro Mesh to be much more effective.

These have been my experiences only, your mileage may vary.

Bernie Weishapl
11-21-2006, 10:41 PM
Thor I like the Shellawax for pieces that don't get handled much just like you have already heard. I really like the EEE for both a final finish over CA and also on bare wood. I have had excellent results with it both ways.

Kurt Forbes
11-22-2006, 6:11 AM
EEE is not really designed as a finish it is a polishing agent. all it is is shella wax with tripoli powder in it.
On the other hand if you have a close grained enough wood just polishing it to a high luster looks very nice.

The CA finish is very durable. in essence you are useing super glue as a woodsealer and overcoat for your work. you put several coats of that on properly along with some Boiled lineseed oil then you are able to sand /micromesh/polish it to a much higher shine than without the CA glue on it. I have ended up with some pens that I swear have more super glue in them than I have wood.

Frank Kobilsek
11-22-2006, 9:04 AM
EEE is excellant on stabilzed products