View Full Version : Old Leigh Jig Find

Dave Fifield
11-18-2006, 2:58 AM
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a gloat - perhaps you could help me decide? :)

I scored an almost unused old Leigh dovetail jig complete with all the bits (brand new/unused!) and documentation for $200 from a fellow that bought it new but never got round to using it. It's a model D-1258R-24. There's a user manual for it on Leigh's website that's dated 1969, but on the jig itself it has a patent number that's dated 1986, so I reckon it's 20 years, or less, old. Is it still useful? It would seem so to me. Do the new fancy heartshape jigs fit this old model I wonder (long shot)?

He also threw in a second dovetail jig, a Sears Roebuck model 315.25710 P0222 (is the P0222 bit is the serial number?....it could be P6222 - difficult to read it). I have no use for this one, so if anyone wants it, and is prepared to pay for the shipping, email me and it's yours!

Here are the obligatory photos - click on any of them to see the full-size hi-res version:

http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0052_s.jpg (http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0052.jpg)

http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0053_s.jpg (http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0053.jpg)

http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0054_s.jpg (http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0054.jpg)

http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0056_s.jpg (http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0056.jpg)

http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0058_s.jpg (http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0058.jpg)

http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0059_s.jpg (http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0059.jpg)

http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0061_s.jpg (http://www.ubersprang.com/leigh/CIMG0061.jpg)

What do you think? Gloatworthy or no?

:Dave F.

Jim DeLaney
11-18-2006, 7:52 AM
For $200, you practically stole it!

BTW, all those bits are extras - they didn't come with the jig originally.

Also, the clamps on it appear to be the newer "D-4" style, so that's an upgrade, too. The original clamps would have just had screw-down knobs instead of the quick release levers.

Leigh has published a much better (clearer, more descriptive) manual for the D-4R. You can download it a chapter at a time (for free) from their website, or buy a hard copy for less than $20.

Steve Rowe
11-18-2006, 8:04 AM
Dave - If I have ever read a gloat, this has got to be it.:D
Congratulations on your find. I agree with Jim, with the cam clamps, it looks a lot like my D-4 which I purchased in the early 1990's.

Jim Becker
11-18-2006, 9:06 AM
The old Sears jig is "disposable", but the Leigh is a Steal! (And you can upgrade it to the D4 by buying some parts from Leigh....) Nice find!

Paul Canaris
11-18-2006, 8:29 PM
Dave, it's exactly the same vintage I have been using for years, works great.

John Piwaron
11-18-2006, 9:35 PM
Nice score!

You'll like this jig. I've got the D4. I don't regret it for a minute.

After you've used it a time or two, check out the upgrade parts and see if they'll be an improvement you can use.

David Rose
11-19-2006, 12:16 AM
Hey, Dave,

That's a pretty old machine. And look at those fingers! They aren't even spaced evenly! I'm sorry that you got so taken. Since I obviously feel so sorry for you, I am willing to help you unload it. Just send me the D4, you keep everything else, and I'll send you a small profit. :D :eek: Of course, if that makes you feel a bit guilty, you can throw in the bits.


Dave Fifield
11-19-2006, 3:50 AM
I'll get it packed up and shipped to you right away David....thanks for offering to help me dispose of it....NOT! :D

Actually guys, I found ANOTHER one today at a house clearance. It's a D1258-24 (not R model), in about the same condition as my "new" one above. It's just the basic jig though, no new/upgrade cams, no bits, no mortice/tenon jig, etc. They guy wanted $100 for it, so we told him that was too much with no bits etc., and we walked away. However, I'm going back tomorrow morning to pick up some more Dexion shelving. He'd take $50 for it, I'm sure. Anyone want me to pick it up for them? If not, I may get it for spares.

I have to tell y'all about this wood clearance we went to today. I couldn't believe my eyes. This fellow had THREE 10' x 20' public storage lock ups absolutely chocker-block from floor to ceiling with NO gaps FULL of wood. Mostly old ply and particle board, but there were a few small pieces of hardwood (mostly maple, walnut and mahogony) tucked away in there. About 6 or so local ww'ers brought their trucks over to haul stuff away. At the end of the morning, we'd hardly scratched the surface of what's in them there lock ups! The worst part is that the old fellow was paying about a kilobuck a month to store all this wood and has been doing so for nearly 15 YEARS!! His son reckoned it must have cost him over $100,000 to date. You think YOU'RE a hoarder - this guy takes the prize IMO!! I resolved to NEVER be like this!! Darn, I forgot to take photos....

Back to my "new" Leigh jig. When I actually looked at the online manual for the D1258R-24, I found it simply refers you to the D4 manual - just like you said Jim! I have down loaded that and will use it with the manual that I got with it. Does anyone have a DVD or VHS video tape that shows how to use it? I'd love to buy or borrow a copy.

BTW, I have found a good home for the old Sears Roebuck jig. Some mug, er, bloke, wants it enough to pay for the shipping....

:Dave F.

David Rose
11-19-2006, 5:12 AM

If you think it looks good, I'll take it. I don't mind upgrading it, but I really don't want to have to replace much in missing or damaged parts. Let me know if you get it, and we'll work out the details.



Ron Blaise
11-19-2006, 6:16 AM
That is a steal at that price! You done real good!

Gilbert Vega
11-19-2006, 11:39 PM
As you mentioned, the D1258R was first built in the mid to late 80's. I'm new to Leigh jigs, but from what I have been able to determine from their site, the newer templates will fit. Here's a link to the manuals.


I downloaded the manual for the D4 rather than the D4R. I printed double-sided and had it spiral bound for convenience.

In case you didn't see my earlier post, I bought the D1258 (the predecessor to yours) for $40. However mine didn't include the bits or some of the upgrade parts so your's is definitely a deal!!
I ordered the upgrade side stops and it's something you may also want to consider.

Charles McKinley
11-20-2006, 4:06 PM
Hi Dave,

You didn't mention you got the M&T jig too. That is almost $200 by itself!

Call the people at LEIGH and they will tell you if the new fingers will work for you. I think they will.

If you don't have the newer side guides I think they help a lot. I like the older scales better there is no paralax as the arrow is right on the measurements. When I called I was told they only changed the design because it was cheaper to make metric and SAE stickers than to have two different castings.

If you can get the other jig for $50 I would, you could sell the fingers to people that lift the router too soon and eat them up.

Jerry Olexa
11-21-2006, 5:58 PM
Great acquisition!!! Nice haul...

Steve Roxberg
11-22-2006, 9:32 AM
That's a steal. I paid $200 for my used D4 and didn't get any bits or the Mortise template.

Be careful, several have suggest buying upgrade parts it appears to have already been upgraded to me.