View Full Version : A "Nyvall Pecan" bowl

Barry Stratton
11-16-2006, 11:51 PM
Here's my attempt at a bowl out of Ernie's generous gift this past summer. This one started out as an NE......but all the bark fell off.....:eek:

I was able to keep just a touch of the natural edge. The foot is an on the fly design change as I got a tad too deep in the hollowing process... :rolleyes:

I am happy with the finish (multi coats of wipe on poly), happy that it has minimal sanding marks, and happy that it came out roundish.

Any and all critique is welcome and encouraged...........

Thanks again Ernie!!!



Lee DeRaud
11-17-2006, 12:12 AM
Looks like the other end of the log he sent me: "pinto wood".

Nice job.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-17-2006, 1:08 AM
Nice recovery Barry! I like the bowl! I did manage to keep the bark on mine but the diving board signaled via increased vibration that something "ungood" was trying to happen. I stopped...saw the bark starting to separate and superglue the entire interface where the bark meets the meat of the wood. Excellent recovery! I like your form.

Keith Burns
11-17-2006, 8:07 AM
Ya done good Barry, nice bowl!!!:) :)

Ernie Nyvall
11-18-2006, 7:52 AM
You're welcome. Glad to see you could get something good out of it and the foot looks just fine. Nice job.