View Full Version : Any machinists out there?

Hovey Moore
10-29-2003, 11:05 PM
Hey all!

My brother has just gotten bit by the machinist bug and was wondering if there where any good books or forums out there that he could learn from. I guess this is what I get for trying to teach to him to turn on my WOOD lathe.

Thanks everyone.

Tom Sweeney
10-29-2003, 11:15 PM
First welcome aboard SMC :cool:

I nose around evry time I get the bug to set up my bench top "milling" machine (I guess that's what it is) Course after I read a little bit on the forum I lay down till the mood to actually do something passes :rolleyes:

Wes Bischel
10-29-2003, 11:29 PM
Two magazines Home Shop Machinist and Machinist's Workshop are available at bookstores such as Barnes and Noble.

That should get him started - also, the book "How to Run a Lathe" by the South Bend Works is a good primer - I think the 1941 version is what I have.

Just warn him about sticker shock. Metalworking equipment is not like woodworking equipment as far as costs. I would say I spent 2x for marginal metal equipment - also whatever he spends for the lathe mill etc., he'll spend as much or more tooling it up. Decent used equipment is also harder to come by. (note I said decent - there is a lot of clapped out stuff around that can't be easily or cheaply restored.)

Oh yeah - As he gets good at it, he can made replacement parts for your woodworking equipment and build very nice fixtures for you!

Good luck, Wes