View Full Version : The Height of Frustration

Jason Christenson
11-16-2006, 10:56 AM
Yesterday I started my fishing lure Christmas gift project. I picked out a piece of scrap and turned one lure so I could use it to practice shaping the front with the spindle sander. Then I set out to cut a small piece of ash and a small piece of walnut into blanks for the rest of the lures. (I have 10 to make.) I set up my bench top jointer so I could get one square corner and then rip the blanks on the table saw. To my dismay I couldn't find the little safety key needed to turn the jointer on. After about thirty minutes of searching I still couldn't find it and decided I would be ahead to just go buy one.

I went to Home Depot which is only five minutes away. They don't carry them, although they do carry several pieces of equipment that use the same key. This was probably the most tempted I have ever been to steal something! Then I went to Sears. I knew Sears had what I was looking for but they are about twenty five minutes away. I bought the keys and went home.

Soon after that my wife's Grandad came over to use the lathe (it's his after all) to machine a replacement part for his desk chair. He pulled a little box out of the tool chest looking for the bit he needed to cut aluminum, and there along with all of his cutting tools, was the safety key I had been looking for in the first place. No doubt right where I had left it.


Harvey M. Taylor
11-16-2006, 11:04 AM

Frank Fusco
11-16-2006, 11:17 AM
I am very good at putting things away safely. Then forgetting where "safely" was. Currently, I am looking for my $300.00 GPS unit.:(

Jeff Myers
11-16-2006, 11:27 AM
As my parents used to tell me all the time(just to aggrivate me i'm sure)...
"It's where you last left it!!"

Jim Becker
11-16-2006, 11:33 AM
The nice thing about lathe work is...things don't need to be "square" to start... ;)

But I can appreciate your frustration about not finding something until after it was needed! Been there...done that...a lot..

Jason Christenson
11-16-2006, 11:53 AM
The nice thing about lathe work is...things don't need to be "square" to start... ;)

But I can appreciate your frustration about not finding something until after it was needed! Been there...done that...a lot..

Unfortunatley, they do need to be square to rip them on the table saw, and I don't have a bandsaw.

Brett Baldwin
11-16-2006, 12:53 PM
I run into the same thing when I get inspired to "organize". I find a new, more efficient place to put things and then can't for the life of me remember where that is two weeks later when I need it, though of course I remember exactly where it was before I "organized". So I spend half an hour searching through my "efficiently organized" stuff to find the thing I need. I think I really just need a bigger place so I have more space to lay things down in.

Mark Pruitt
11-16-2006, 1:14 PM
I'm still looking for a large fender washer I dropped two months ago. I am convinced that it is just waiting for an opportunity to make it up the DC chute.

Currently, I am looking for my $300.00 GPS unit.:(
ROFL! Good one Frank.:D

Gary DeWitt
11-16-2006, 1:27 PM
Just don't put something where "no one will ever find it"! YOU, being someone, will never be able to find it again.

This should be on Murphy's list, if it's not already:
Stuff remains lost right up to the moment you get home from the store with a replacement.

thomas prevost
11-16-2006, 2:16 PM
Not the case here, but there are two axioms in my shop. 1) If it can fall on the floor, it will. 2)If it is the last one and there no place to conviently get a replacement, it will break or roll under something where it cannot be found.

Seems like we all go through similar fustrations, just some more than others.

Jason Christenson
11-16-2006, 3:20 PM
Well, I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in being "locationally challenged".

By the way, if any body's wondering, "locationally" passed spell check with flying colors.

Glenn Hodges
11-16-2006, 4:25 PM
Jason, we might be kin to each other. I think luck like that runs in the family.

Brad Kimbrell
11-16-2006, 9:49 PM
I "hid" the combination to a safe when we moved to KY about 13 yrs ago.

I cut the safe open about 3 months ago to get my cash and some jewelry out of it! Just gave up on remembering where that combination sheet was hidden...

After I cut the safe open, I found a note inside the safe with the phone number to call to retrieve the combination....for $12. I think I enjoyed using my Sawzall more than my credit card for the 12 bucks!

It hit the street the next morning and is now gone forever. At least I now know how easy they are to get into.

Jeff Borges
11-17-2006, 11:20 PM
Nope.. its for certain. I...haven't done that...since the last time


Bill Simpson
11-18-2006, 9:58 PM
You mean you are suppose to pull those little yellow things out? Oops!!! I have five different machines with those safety switches and only two interchange, but I also have a plastic peanut butter jar with the spare yellow lock thingys in it, somewhere? Over on the left as I remember, or was it on the top shelf next to the spare chuck keys.... ????????? :mad: :( :confused: :eek:

I did manage to take a strip of wood and drill a row of 1/4" holes in it and then glued it to the inside of my cabinet over the Work Bench. All the Chuck Keys are sticking in the strip. I have found a home and place for them. I should do that with the safety switch things. Out of reach and in a known location.

David Klug
11-18-2006, 11:40 PM
I had some small screws for some cabinet doors that I put in a roll around in my shop. I went looking for them to put the doors on and would you believe LOML found them in a dresser door.


Joash Boyton
11-19-2006, 12:25 AM
:D That's funny:D

don't worry, it happens to everybnody, the worst is if you lose it under 2 feet of sawdust:eek:

Jack Dickey
11-27-2006, 8:15 PM
Here is my surefire method to find the lost item whatever it may be .. Works everytime .. Go get a replacement for it , then you are guareenteed to find the missing item ..