View Full Version : Help

Keith Bragg
11-16-2006, 8:41 AM
I am in need of a last minute retirment plaques for two co workers and I am having trouble coming up with wording for the plaques. Is there any websites we can go to for generic plaque sayings or does any one have one or two sayings they would like to share and I can change it to suit my needs .:confused:

Thanks Keith Bragg

Steve McKee
11-16-2006, 8:43 AM
Try this Keith. http://www.newretirement.com/Planning101/Thoughts_On_Retirement.aspx?source=Quotes_goog&gclid=CPrr0-DWy4gCFRDAJAodynauKA

Joe Pelonio
11-16-2006, 8:50 AM
Try some of these too:
