View Full Version : Cherry Color Question

JD MacLeod
11-13-2006, 10:51 AM
Hi guys. I have applied BLO, then a garnett shellac over my cherry wood nakashima inspired console table. The issue that i have now is color uniformity between the legs and the top. The turned legs are significantly darker than the top piece. On Saturday, i had the table out in the sun with the legs covered to try to darken up the top and get it closer to the deep red that has developed on the legs. It seemed to help some... do you think this is a viable strategy going forward?


Mike Hollingsworth
11-13-2006, 11:02 AM
Cherry definitely darkens with ultraviolet

Jim Becker
11-13-2006, 11:29 AM
Give it time. And personally, I wouldn't worry about the legs being a different shade. That difference will actually become more pronounced to a certain extent as the sapwood in your table top will not darken at all. It's one of the wonderful things about natural edge pieces!

Eric Todd
11-13-2006, 12:07 PM
I have found that the light will hit the legs differently because they are vertical. The horizonal aprons are usually lighter in my experience, try flipping it up on it's side and see if there's a difference.


JD MacLeod
11-14-2006, 1:27 PM
Thanks for the replies gents. One more thing... i have applied 5 or 6 coasts of shellac to my table and it is starting to look pretty darn good, but i still am seeing some streaks on the finish in the right light. How do i get rid of these very fine streaks? Can i do a wipe with just DNA to remove them or should i scuff sand and apply another coat of shellac with some trick technique you know of? Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thanks so much.


Jerry Olexa
11-14-2006, 6:33 PM
I would pad lightly a very lite coating of mostly DA. That should blend it in. If its really pronounced, do the same with a circular motion and slightly more aggressive rubbing but again, mostly DA...IMHO