View Full Version : Weekend project almost done!

david shyong
10-28-2003, 7:08 PM
This is destined to be the new stereo components rack and baby

Still have to build the door for the cabinet but the weekend project which went on and on for 3 mths is almost completed.

A bit sloppy and more expensive then Ikea but it's almost within the $200 cdn budget I estimated. ;)

It pales in comparison to some other peoples work here but I hope to improve from modest beginnings.

Things I've learned while working on the project.

a) A weekend project is months in real time.
b) Chisels are sharp and its corollary; fingers are not pruncture proof.
c) Combination blades should not be used to make bridle joints.
d) I always do things the hard way...

Thanks to everyone here for the inspiration.



Dave Avery
10-28-2003, 7:40 PM

Nice work..... and MUCH better looking than Ikea. Dave.