View Full Version : Phoenix Woodworking Show report

Dave Falkenstein
11-11-2006, 7:21 PM
We had seven people attend the Friday lunch and six at the Saturday breakfast. After chowing down we headed off to The Woodworking Show at Westworld in Scottsdale. I sure had a good time, and I think everyone else did too. A couple of the guys, Carl Stone and Dean Geraci, had to do two Shows in order to spend enough money - they saw something on Friday that they just had to have on Saturday. Karl Sandwell-Weiss gets the prize for driving the longest distance, coming up from Tucson and spending two nights. I felt the Show had lots of good vendor representation and I sat in on a couple of excellent presentations. The Mark Sommerfeld cabinet building seminar was especially interesting. We will do it again next year.

Joe Jensen
11-11-2006, 7:33 PM
I went with two friends on Fri and we really enjoyed it. My expections were fairly low and they were exceeded. I may go again Sun for an hour as I had to leave a little early on Fri. We also took a 3 hour Finishing class from Van Odell. Good course but I only picked up a few new things...joe

Scott Whiting
11-12-2006, 2:21 PM
It was good to see old friends again and meet new ones. I spent more than I should have but got everything on my list including a Bosch 1617EVSPK. I played with several in that class and that was the one that felt the best in my hands. As I was leaving Carl was getting his van to load whatever Incra goodie he bought into it. The booths were well stocked and plenty of factory reps were on hand. It's good to see the show has regrown to the point it has. There were probably a dozen stationary tool brands represented.


Brett Baldwin
11-13-2006, 12:15 AM
I enjoyed the breakfast and finally meeting a few Creekers (and even some non-Creekers!:eek: ). It was good meeting you Dave and Scott. BTW, I've changed my email profile so that no-one is looking for some Terry guy to show up again Dave;) .

I also had to go back since I didn't get to spend enough time and/or money on Saturday. There was plenty to see and many interesting products so today I went again, sat in on a bowl turning presentation by Kirk DeHeer(?) and picked up a few things. We didn't do any pictures of the breakfast so I can't prove it to Creeker standards but I'll offer up one of my purchases as circumstantial evidence to substantiate the story. I have the receipt if needed.;)