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markus shaffer
10-28-2003, 6:02 PM
I've always enjoyed seeing photos of other members projects here yet I've never posted any photos of my own.. We've got such a talented group of people here, I'm usually somewhat humbled when I log on and see new photos of other peoples work. Looking back, I think the best photo I've posted was of my overflowing dust collector.

Perhaps these will surpass that one.. These two benches are made from solid cherry and cherry plywood. The tabletop is also cherry ply with solid cherry edging. The pedestal base was supplied by the customer.

After making 16 bracket feet for these benches, I can highly recommend the Jet benchtop oscillating spindle sander. I've had this tool for several months now, yet this was the first time I really put it through its paces. Shaping all those feet was much less effort than I would have imagined.

Thanks for looking.


Doug Jones
10-28-2003, 6:08 PM
Outstanding!!!! And to make two of them. It is I who is humbled by your work. Please post more of your works, with quality like that we will all be humbled. Keep up the great work.

Dave Avery
10-28-2003, 6:10 PM

Neat design, beautifully executed.

Carl Eyman
10-28-2003, 6:13 PM
Great work. I especially like the feet. I might copy them for a project coming up. They say imitation is the highest flattery. Carl

Ace Karner
10-28-2003, 7:00 PM
Simply beautiful work, love the feet

Matt Bridges
10-28-2003, 7:18 PM
All I can say is WOW! Those are absolutely gorgeous.


Lloyd Robins
10-28-2003, 7:37 PM
I love the feet! Please keep posting. Thanks.

Tom Sweeney
10-28-2003, 8:12 PM
"Perhaps these will surpass that one.. "

I'd say they surpass an overfilled DC alright!

All 3 pieces are truly awsome - great job - definately don't be afraid to post more pics of your outstanding work :cool:

Brad Schafer
10-28-2003, 8:43 PM
agree with the rest ... top shelf work. nicely done,


Kirk (KC) Constable
10-28-2003, 8:53 PM
I can't add anything to what's already been said...you done good!


David Blangger
10-29-2003, 1:21 AM
When you make a pair as good as that and compare it to an overflowing DC....the DC must have had a beatiful flow:D

Todd Burch
10-29-2003, 8:13 AM
Yeah Buddy! Great looking pieces. I like where you put the hinges on the blanket chests. The placeemnt lets you stick them against a wall and open the lid without scratching anything up.

What did you use for a finish on the pieces? Todd.

Halsey MCCombs
10-29-2003, 8:39 AM
Fine wookmanship keep the picture's coming on your work.Halsey

markus shaffer
10-29-2003, 4:29 PM
Thank you all for the encouraging replies. Unfortunately, these two benches will spend the next few years stuffed in an "L" shape in a corner behind that table so they won't really be seen. They were made to fit a specific niche for an apartment in Brooklyn. The customers had originally told me the space was 76" wide. The finished dimensions of the benches was 73 1/2" together in the "L" shape. I got an email once I had started finishing the pieces saying the space is now 72".. I was pretty upset about that. The customer said he would remeasure that night. Turns out, it's really 71"!!! I was really angry at this point. Unfortunately I ended up cutting the feet down about 1/2" which allowed me to reset them and gain an extra bit of space. The overhang on the tops was also recut to allow the benches to sit more closely together. In the end, I made them fit with about 1/4" to spare. My lesson learned here is to take my own measurements..

Carl, the foot design is not entirely my own. I got the original idea from an issue of Woodsmith I think. Email me if you're interested and I'll try to find the exact issue. I did modify it some and the cove cut is much deeper than what I had originally planned. I wish I had photos of the benches before I cut the feet down. They were much better looking.

Todd, the finish on both benches and the tabletop is several coats of tung oil followed by three coats of Behlen Tabletop lacquer. I had wanted to use different hinges. I liked the idea of concealed Soss hinges, but the customers insisted on the the full length piano hinges. I'm not sure why either as they are going to be covered with cushions.

As for the overflowing dust collector photo, you may refer back to this thread..


Thanks again to everyone who responded. The encouragement is definately appreciated.


Doug Littlejohn
10-29-2003, 4:30 PM
Yo dude!! Real nice work and love those FEET !!!!

Thanks for sharing.

Lars Thomas
10-29-2003, 10:43 PM
That's some great looking work. Yea, I would have wrung the customers neck for giving the wrong measurements. Urggg. I always have them sign-off on dimensions - just to be safe. But, I think your approach to do them yourself is probably the best bet - especially for built-ins.

Anyway, I'm sure the customer is quite pleased with the result. Lars

Jim Becker
10-30-2003, 9:49 AM
Markus, those are wonderful! (Even with the little alterations you were forced to make!) I really need to make some time on one of my frequent trips to NYC to see your work in person...very inspiring!