View Full Version : Blank dimensions.

Kris Casey
11-10-2006, 8:42 PM
Just curious what you all like to see for rough dimensions on your blanks for various projects.

Is there a rather common size that works well for just about anything, or are there several specific dimensions you all like to see?

Reason Im asking is I usually have quite a bit of waste after I have milled up a log. One of the guys I work with, his wife knows someone that likes my leftovers for turning. Now, what hes making I havent a clue because there isnt much heartwood left, as I try to not waste anything.

I also would like to turn some of my wood around to help support my habit.

Thanks for your time.

Jim Becker
11-10-2006, 9:00 PM
Once someone is experienced, there really isn't a "standard" size or shape for a turning blank. Many of us like to plunk a hunk of wood on the lathe between centers and see what is in it before committing to a particular orientation or shape.

Relative to milling leftovers, crotches are nice as are the wider board ends that can be used for platters. Turners don't care about there being both sap and heart...in fact, many want both for interest. Honestly, one can turn almost anything that was formerly part of a tree. Some of the most outstanding turning stock comes from the base of trees or even the root balls...

Kris Casey
11-10-2006, 9:39 PM
Ive been meaning to get into some burls. Just having the means and time to get into them!!!

Thanks for the reply.