View Full Version : tools

byron constantine
11-09-2006, 11:21 PM
Has anyone ordered turning tools from Landing Crafts in va. I ordered a
couple of Benjamin's Best tools and it seemed to take my credit card for
the order. Since then i have not recieved any email confirmation on the
order. I have called them with the number on their contact page, but
all i get is a recording that they are not available at this time. I left a
message about my order but no response. Now i am concerned about
my credit card as i don't know if the order went through or not.

Bernie Weishapl
11-09-2006, 11:39 PM
I think if I was you Bryon I would call your credit card company and cancel that order. It just irritates me to no end when a company won't answer my calls. I will not do business with them if they respond like they did for you. They don't want my business very bad if they can't talk to me.

Mark Pruitt
11-10-2006, 8:09 AM
I'm googling Landing Crafts and getting nothing WWing-related. Do you have a URL?

edit: Never mind. I found it. landingcrafts.com. Contact information:

Landing Crafts
6880 Commercial Dr. #42
Springfield, VA 22151

Local: 703-879-5655
Email: info@landingcrafts.com (info@landingcrafts.com)

Frank Fusco
11-10-2006, 9:28 AM
Yep, protect your credit card. Call the CC company pronto.

Chris Chavis
11-10-2006, 11:32 AM
I'm googling Landing Crafts and getting nothing WWing-related. Do you have a URL?

edit: Never mind. I found it. landingcrafts.com. Contact information:

Landing Crafts
6880 Commercial Dr. #42
Springfield, VA 22151

Local: 703-879-5655
Email: info@landingcrafts.com (info@landingcrafts.com)

First things first - I'd call the CC company like everyone else said.

That being said - their website says that they use Paypal to accept credit cards, if that is the case then you should have received a Paypal confirmation that your card was being charged ... or at least I always have gotten one (looking at one right now in another window).



byron constantine
11-10-2006, 11:17 PM
I finally got hold of them after the third call. As it turned out they didn't
have the tool i wanted so i went and cancelled the whole order.
Anyway i can get a p&n 1/2" for $8 more and will have a better tool.