View Full Version : Cherry Bowl - is really a Maple Bowl

Andy Hoyt
11-06-2006, 6:10 PM
Got accused the other day of being a slacker as it appeared that I'd not spun up the mayo lately. Here's a small piece to disprove that.

It's a wonky chunk of cherry that had been sitting in the Ignore Pile for quite a while; and I finally got tired of looking at it. It's about 12" x 4" and finished with buffed Watco. It's about 1/2" thick which is more than I usually shoot for; and I've now decided that thick is good. The heft feels just right on it.

49678 49679

EDIT: It's just been pointed to me that this cherry is really maple. Doh!

Mark Pruitt
11-06-2006, 6:18 PM
Let me be the first to compliment your nice job!

Slacker indictment overturned!:D I'm not the accuser but who cares--I'll overturn it anyway!

Pete Jordan
11-06-2006, 6:37 PM
From a real slacker,


Dennis Peacock
11-06-2006, 6:50 PM
Well now Andy.....Looks like you're not slacking any more and got the mayo cranked up and spun some nice cherry. Very pretty piece Andy. I like it. :cool:

Bruce Shiverdecker
11-06-2006, 8:39 PM
Good lookin' Piece, Andy. Sometimes the piece will tell you to let it be heavier. When it does, it's a good idea to comply!

That piece would not look anywhere as nice, if it was thinner.


Ken Fitzgerald
11-06-2006, 8:41 PM
Excellent Andy! I've got a Peacock twin to that one sitting in my living room and they both look good with that wall thickness. Well done!

Cecil Arnold
11-06-2006, 9:58 PM
I'm surprised that white thing didn't rust up. Nice bowl.

Corey Hallagan
11-06-2006, 10:00 PM
That's a beauty Andy! Very nice!


Bernie Weishapl
11-06-2006, 11:22 PM
Andy the cherry is a beauty. I like the thicker walls. Nice job. Looks to be hefty enough for about a half gallon of your favorite ice cream.

Jim Ketron
11-06-2006, 11:56 PM
Nice Bowl Andy!

Barry Stratton
11-07-2006, 12:37 AM
Beauty of a bowl Mr. Moderator! No rust on those skills......

Brad Kimbrell
11-07-2006, 1:50 AM
That rim is really attractive Andy. I like the hard line around the top and the angle as well.

Very nice bowl..:rolleyes:

Keith Burns
11-07-2006, 9:08 AM
Sometimes simple is better and this one is simply wonderful:)

Dennis Peacock
11-07-2006, 9:32 AM
I'm surprised that white thing didn't rust up. Nice bowl.

LOL!!!! You tell him Cecil!!!!! ;) :D

Dennis Peacock
11-07-2006, 9:33 AM
I like the forum of this bowl Andy. The wood is pretty and the form you did on this one goes very well with the grain that was revealed. An excellent bowl well done. :cool: :cool:

Frank Kobilsek
11-07-2006, 9:34 AM
Thick is OK, it allows a wider artisitic range of possibilities. I had a thick bowl weekend back in September. After making a couple small bowls that were just too thick I decided to run with the trend and came up with a couple that were pretty cool. The inside and the outside don't have to be the same shape either. Oh the Blasphemy!

Nice bowl Andy, I have about 15 stoppers and 38 Chirstmas ornaments left to go then I can get back to bowl turning.


Andy Hoyt
11-07-2006, 1:56 PM
Thanks for the warm words guys.

If I'm not mistaken by my interpretation of Robert's Rules of Order, I do believe that I now have the right to convey the title of Slacker to someone else.

Oh, Dennis!

Keith Burns
11-07-2006, 1:58 PM
Dennis has a lathe ? Sure didn't think so:D

Andy Hoyt
11-07-2006, 2:24 PM
It being an election day and all, whaddya say we make this democratic.

Keith has just seconded my nomination.

All those in favor - say,"Aye"

Ken Fitzgerald
11-07-2006, 2:31 PM

john blanchard
11-07-2006, 5:56 PM
nice bowl andy, have you or anyone made anything out of that wood i gave you this past summer?

Andy Hoyt
11-07-2006, 6:33 PM
Nope. Not yet, Johnny. But I've been thinking about doing some spindle stuff with my share and most of that stuff would be ideal for it.

The other two shareholders (Tyler and Frank) will hopefully start posting some of it soon though. Ahem!

Travis Stinson
11-07-2006, 7:16 PM
The Cherry bowl is really Maple???
Whew! I don't feel so bad about calling that Ramone burl Chechen the other day..........:D