View Full Version : BBQ, Thanks to all who came

Steve Jenkins
10-27-2003, 8:29 AM
I just want to thank everyone who came to my shop on Sat. You all made it a great day. It certainly wasn't due to me. I'm here today and it is nothing like Sat. was. Thanks to everyone for bringing food and drinks and especially to Stephen Stokes and his brother Doug who cooked and served the pig. Man o man was that good.
Sat. evening Ace Karner,Steve Nelson, Sophie, Dave A. my brother Mike and I stayed until the wee hours and haven't laughed so hard or long in a long time. Lots of stories and yarns flying around. The whole day was a pure joy. For those who couldn't make it I'm sorry, we missed you.
I wish I had kept track of everyone who won one of the giveaways. Lots of lumber, a bunch of hats and of course the Festool sander and vac. I still feel guilty for the fact that my better half won the Festool stuff, but not so guilty that I won't borrow them from her on occasion. The down side to that is now I really have to get busy and build some of the furniture for the house so she can sand it. I have been told! Of course the up side is that she will sand it.:>)
Thanks to Mike Mastin, Mr. Curly Woods, for donating some exotics and Anthony from Austin Hardwoods for donating the cherry.
There were lots of pics. taken and I'm sure they will be posted over the next few days. I know that Sophie took a bunch
Thanks again everyone and I'm already looking forward to next year.

Steve King
10-27-2003, 9:40 AM
I had a great time, cut short because of back problems. I’m sorry I missed out on the PIG and the Festool drawing. It was fun to talk in person with the folks from Saw Mill Creek and Wood Central. I had a nice conversation with Sophie and Bob Lasley. Than there was Phil Phelps, But I didn’t do much talking!!
I pinched a nerve in my lower back when I leaned over to watch Larry Hancock give Ace Karner turning lessons. I think Ace is hooked on turning.
Thanks again,
Steve King

Ace Karner
10-27-2003, 9:44 AM
Hooked is putting it mildly, I was hooked before I met Larry, now I'm more like addicted.

Boy did he make it look like fun!

Sorry you hurt your back and you missed a great meal too.

Thanks again Steve for putting on the BBQ, and thanks even more for starting the first one yeats ago.

Steve Jenkins
10-27-2003, 10:05 AM
Steve I'm sorry to hear about your back. I thought you disappeared pretty quickly. hope you are doing better today. Glad you were able to make it even for a short time. Steve

David Sophusson
10-27-2003, 1:44 PM
I was like a kid on X-Mas morning, I didn’t want to miss a thing. Saturday morning Steve was going to go to the shop at 5:30 AM (which is 3:30 my time!) to make sure that Steve Stokes and his brother didn’t need anything and to do last minute set up in the shop. Becky and I were going to go in later since that was a bit early for us but for some reason I woke up at 4:45 and Steve still hadn’t left yet sooo… give Becky a quick peck on the cheek and said see ya later! When Steve and I got to the shop Steve Stokes and his brother were all ready there and had that big ol’ bbq fired up and were just getting ready to put the pig on it. Man those two are Dedicated! It was still dark and they were going by flashlight and streetlights! Well later on folks started to show up and I got to do a lot of first time meeting with long time friends. We got to talk a lot and really get to know one another face to face. We had a fantastic time all day long and I was the last one to leave the shop late that night as Steve locked up. Becky and I want to thank everyone for making the trip and bbq so special to us and especially Steve and Margie for putting us up during our stay. We had so much FUN!!!

Sophie, who found out that a lockset is no match for a couple of blows from a fire extinguisher when Becky locked us out of the house in the garage this morning. Never mind just another long story and another project for my to-do list. :-(

Mike Mastin
10-27-2003, 1:54 PM
I too want to thank Steve Jenkins, his brother, Larry Hancock, Dave Smith, Dave Arbuckle and Phil Joines for the demo's and all concerned for a great Saturday get together. I have made it to all 3 of the Texas BBQ's now and this was a great one for sure. If you were not there you missed a great day spent with some super folks.
The Festool's that were in attendance sure were nice tools :-)

Kirk (KC) Constable
10-27-2003, 6:53 PM
Add me to the list of grateful attendees...I know it was a job to clean up before the shindig, and also to clean up afterward!

It was good to meet folks in person. Kinda like a family reunion where you can actually touch people you know 'of', or haven't seen in years.

I hope Ace has recovered from my turning 'lesson'...good thing a REAL turner was there to show him the right way to do it! I just wish somebody woulda taken pity on me and showed me how to sharpen my chisels... :( especilly now that I kinda know the proper way to use 'em.


Ace Karner
10-27-2003, 11:44 PM
KC I do not need to recover from anything, you gave me the courage to dive in and start the chips flying. I think that both of us were blessed to meet with and learn from Larry. I will post pictures of the first project I turn from the mesquite blanks that you gave me and I look forward to our next meeting

I'm 59 years old and I swear I've never had so much fun and enjoyment since I discovered all my wood butcher friends. I'm so blessed.

David Sophusson
10-28-2003, 10:12 AM
Steve and I figured out the the mystery wood I got from you is Rosewood. Made a mighty fine looking pen last night. Thanks much my friend!

Sophie, getting wet in Washington again this morning.

Phil Phelps
10-29-2003, 8:48 AM
Hooked is putting it mildly, I was hooked before I met Larry, now I'm more like addicted.

Boy did he make it look like fun!

Sorry you hurt your back and you missed a great meal too.

Thanks again Steve for putting on the BBQ, and thanks even more for starting the first one yeats ago.

......you'll loose half the fun. No one is more enthusiastic over trunin' than Ace. What did we do before he joined in???

Mike Mastin
10-29-2003, 9:03 AM
Meeting Ace was a pure joy! He is a hoot :-) Obviously a fun lovin' guy with a wealth of life's stories to tell. I really enjoyed the time that we spent yakking at the BBQ on Saturday and hope that we can all get together again sometime soon!
Hooked on turning.....Ace......:-)

Ace Karner
10-29-2003, 9:12 AM
Yep, I'm hooked I order a chuck for my lathe this morning, it won't be long before I'm up at your place looking for blacks.