View Full Version : Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
10-27-2003, 1:57 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone. I got to spend a lot of time in the shop over the weekend. This CD cabinet is really stretching me and my skills.

Nothing like cutting pieces that are 1.068" long to make a good fit for some inlet pieces to fill in a few dados. Thanks to my miter jig..I was able to dial this up within 0.008" for a nice clean fit of the pieces. Money well spent in my book. Got the inlay work DONE on the CD Cabinet and boy am I ever glad that is over with!!!!!

Had to do some work for "work" Saturday so I couldn't make the BBQ in Dallas this weekend. Sorry Steve.....I am already making plans to make the BBQ next year.

What did you do this weekend.

Best of weeks.................

Todd Burch
10-27-2003, 7:46 AM
I didn't do jack squat in the shop this weekend, and I'm in a terrible mood because of it. ( :mad: ) (I'll get over it though...)

Noah Alkinburgh
10-27-2003, 8:12 AM
Almost finished the patio!!! It is actually looking like a patio now. Even moved the kids little picnic table onto it so they could play while I worked. The best was when my one year old boy was trying to lift one of the pavers to bring to me. He finally came over and squated down next to me, cocked his head and started jabbering as if to say, "Gee dad are you going to help me pick this up or not?"

Finished up a small turning I had on the lathe. It was another practice item. I made a baby rattle by turning 4 captive rings on a spindle. It came out pretty good.


Kevin Beck
10-27-2003, 8:45 AM
Pulled up the carpet in our soon to be family room to prepare for laying tile. Decided that it would be easier to paint before tiling (16 foot ceilings, @#%!) so we painted until 2:30 am Friday morning. After the paint was done, looked at the never used fireplace in the family room and decided it had to go. Demolished the interior brick facade and removed the fire box and reframed the opening to contain my entertainment center. Tiled all day Saturday and completed most of the room. Sunday morning helped grill chicken for a fundraiser for my son's youth choir (200 chickens). Finished tiling yesterday evening.

Glad I'm back at work so I can get some rest.


Bob Lasley
10-27-2003, 8:55 AM
Hey Dennis,

I am looking forward to seeing pics of that CD cabinet.

I left Tulsa Friday morning headed in a southerly direction. Made a service call in central Oklahoma and then rolled south to Texas. Stopped in at the new and improved Curly Woods in McKinney and then on to my daughter's in Plano. Went out to eat with my daughter and caught up on family doin's. Saturday I had a wonderful time at Steve Jenkin's BBQ and then drove home Saturday night.

Sunday, I had a pretty full day of shop time mostly resawing and milling lumber for some small Christmas projects. All in all.............a super weekend!

Have a great week everyone,

Von Bickley
10-27-2003, 10:04 AM
I was able to get in a little shop time this week-end. I'm building a kitchen storage cabinet for a lady. The cabinet is 32" wide, 67" tall and 22" deep. Bottom section will have 3 drawers and top section will have cabinet doors with adjustable shelves inside.
This was the first time I used my Kreg pocket jig. Used it to assemble the face frame and really liked the way things went together.
The cabinet will be 3/4" birch plywood, faced with poplar. The lady that is buying the cabinet will take care of the painting which suits me just fine.

ps: Got the 3/4" birch for $30.43 a sheet. Thought that was pretty good.

Scott Coffelt
10-27-2003, 11:04 AM
Bad times, not as much time as I wanted :D , I did make it into the shop a good part of the day on Saturday. I got the two towers assembled and the back on one for my entertainment center. I made a trip up North to Paxton's in KC, MO. Picked up some 1/2 baltic birch ply for the DVD drawers. While there, I picked up some smaller pieces of fishtail oak (I think that is what it is called). Thought they woul dmake nice inlays on boxes for XMAS. I took my 4 year son with me, while there he was looking for trains and ran right into the piece of ply in my truck. One inch lower and he may have blinded himself in one eye. Wife would have had my left one at the one.

Drop by Schutte Lumber on the way home. Update from post a few weeks back, they are back open for business. Good news, and also it looks like the main store front survived, so that exotic lumber made it through the fire. It looks like they lost most of their bulk storage though.

Sunday the wife headed to Salt lake City, so no time for the shop. I helped a buddy out on a house. Talk myself right out of paying work. He bought a fixer upper and the kitchen is trashed. He wanted me to buidl some cabinets, the ones left were so beat up and ugly. I told him he would be better off buying the ones from the Borg (wants them in in 2 weeks, no wya I can build an entire kitchen that fast). Maybe I can get the installation job or something else in the future.

Watched the Chiefs go 8-0, in dominating fashion I must add.

John Miliunas
10-27-2003, 1:36 PM
Left a bunch of $$ at HD for household improvement stuff on Sat. Installed the new fan in my daughter's bedroom. Finally, (after two weeks!) setup my TS in the shop and ripped my first piece of wood in over a month! Boy, did THAT feel good! (OK, so it was only for a shelf, but still.....). Hung some more shelves in the shop. Sunday, put together my daughter's computer station and setup the PC. Finally got around to firing up my wireless access point on the main machine and configured her machine for it; Works great, which means I won't have to run CAT-5 all over the place! Setup the HDTV, so that it, at least, works with the DVD player, making daughter one happy camper! Out in the shop, got my area air cleaner hung, a bit more organization and just about have the lathe station squared away. Gettin' there..... :D Oh yeah, almost forgot. While I do almost ALL of my bills and stuff online, I took the BIG plunge and bought a car through eBay! Clear from Florida, no less. Should be here by the end of the week! Have a great week, all! :cool:

Jim Becker
10-27-2003, 1:47 PM
Well, I didn't do anything so exciting as buy a car from Florida on EBAY... :D ...but I did essentially confine myself to the shop all weekend even though the original plan included some painting in the house. Oh well... :p

I installed a bookcase in the kitchen with the help of LOML on Saturday (she was leaving at oh-dark-thirty on Sunday Morning for a conference in Phoenix--I mistakenly thought it was last weekend) but that was the extent of that kind of thing! The rest of the weekend entailed getting half the shop "deep cleaned" including blowing out the filters on the DC, making a nice hollow turning from maple burl that I'll detail in a separate thread, turning the legs for a natural edge bench for the kitchen and assembling said bench ready for final sanding and finish and making a new clamp rack with more capacity to accomodate all those new Bessey's that Amazon recently sent me during/after the Jorgie-orgy.

Steve Clardy
10-27-2003, 2:03 PM
Got 27 more 2-1/4x2-1/4x38 balisters blanks glues up from rough stock. Wasn't in a real work mood, didn't then then surfaced to size till today.
Sunday I hung a little rock in the bath addition, and taped and mudded a little. Made me still realize I hate that job. Gave out and watched part of the races on TV, snoozed some and rested my arm some. Cool weather has brought up my tennis elbow problem.

John Miliunas
10-27-2003, 10:19 PM
Got 27 more 2-1/4x2-1/4x38 balisters blanks glues up from rough stock. Wasn't in a real work mood, didn't then then surfaced to size till today.
Sunday I hung a little rock in the bath addition, and taped and mudded a little. Made me still realize I hate that job.

Steve, you're a regular machine with those staircases, ain't 'ya?! You've done such a wonderful job with all the ones you've posted!

And, I couldn't agree more with you regarding drywall/taping/mudding. For me, that ranks right up there with plumbing, moving and digging post holes! :rolleyes: :cool: