View Full Version : Chris goes to Japan and I am gloating at home!

Mark Singer
11-06-2006, 12:40 AM
Good friend and long time woodworking instructor at Palomar College, Chris Feddersohn ,just got back from Japan. Before he left I mentioned if he had time to find me 3 specific paring chisels. Chris takes these trips yearly as part of the education program and has become familiar with the finest blacksmiths , plane and saw makers in Japan. Well he went a bit overboard....In the small town of Sanjo City lives Chutaro Imai, one of the finest blacksmiths in Japan...in his small studio he only makes chisels, period! In the photos, you can see his picture and the slow process of how these are hand made,,,,step by step.Mr Imai is holding my set which he kindly signed.... Chris did not follow instructions and he brought back a set of 10....unbelievable chisels! I am very upset he did not follow my strict instructions;)

Second mistake`saws! Chris then went to another town and found a Certified , third generation.Saw maker named Juntaro Mitsukawa ...I could be wrong ...my Japanese is non existent:confused: The blue roll labeled: Juntaro Mitsukawa contains 5 handmade saws of unbelivable quality.....it frightens me to actually use them...1 crosscut...1 rip...1 miter....one flush cut...one keyhole...

Third mistake: Chisel hammers...2 of different weights...beautiful...embossed

Forth Mistake ( oh I am getting mad;) ) Two every day douzukis...you know the cheaper variety so I don't usethe other ones every day one rip...one cross cut

Fifth Mistake....Mortse square... This is a very fine Starrette quality square that squares of the edge of a member and locks to hold the measurement..
A fine steel scribe is included. I have not seen one like this.

To top it off...our friend in common, Stan has already paid Chris for all of this stuff and refuses to take money from me....we will see about that!:eek:

Mark Singer
11-06-2006, 12:56 AM
More pics...ohh...ohh...more...

Mike Armstrong
11-06-2006, 1:16 AM
Yeah, I hate it when people can't follow directions. I guess you'll just have to go along on the next trip to be sure you get the right stuff. Just be sure to pack a lot of $$$. ;)


jonathan snyder
11-06-2006, 1:18 AM
Nice score Mark. Those chisels sure look nice!


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
11-06-2006, 5:09 AM
Mark, I'm sure you appreciate the quality of the tools you have, you buddy Chris sure set you up :D

I'm been meaning to take a trip down to that end of the country and take a tour of some of the blacksmiths studios, but I never seem to find the time.

If you ever get over here in my neck of the woods, I'd make the time and go alone to help you with the language thing, and then just drool over the fine tools :D


Philip Duffy
11-06-2006, 5:11 AM
I would call this The All Star Gloat of all time! Phil

Andy Hoyt
11-06-2006, 8:48 AM
I would expect no less from a timber framer.

Glenn Clabo
11-06-2006, 9:28 AM
It doesn't surprise me that you have such great (albeit stubborn)friends...but sweet mama this is just too cool.

Mark Singer
11-06-2006, 9:51 AM
I would expect no less from a timber framer.
Sounds like you know Chris....timber framing is part of the program at Palomar and I saw one of the programs where the Japanese framers visit and build a hand joined timber frame....excellent. They also have the long plane shaving contest there...


a picture of Chris below....


Check this shaving...

Andy Hoyt
11-06-2006, 10:37 AM
Aww man. He chopped off all his hair :D.

Yup - we've crossed slicks at various TFG gatherings.

Mark Singer
11-06-2006, 11:24 AM
Aww man. He chopped off all his hair :D.

Yup - we've crossed slicks at various TFG gatherings.

He still has a bush on top....I could use a bit of it:rolleyes:

Jim Becker
11-06-2006, 11:34 AM
Mark! Now I have to find a way to make yet another trip to Laguna beach to "fondle" the tools...sheesh!! (Nice scores...)

Dave Ray
11-06-2006, 11:40 AM
Mark, I am real sorry your week started off on such a sour note, seems like no one can follow directions anymore..... LOL.... great gloat, maybe even gloat of gloats. I do know these exceptional tools will be put to work with love and care. I am very happy for you. Mark, they say if you have one true friend in this world you are a lucky man.... Mark, you have many friends and this is a reflection on you and your giving spirit. Thank you for all your assistance, advice, tutorials on this site.

Zahid Naqvi
11-06-2006, 3:22 PM
A perfect start for your week. If I was in your shoes this would be like a perfect start to a decade.
You indeed have some nice friends. Now how long of a drive is it from Arkansas to Laguna Beach?

Mark Singer
11-06-2006, 4:30 PM
So I called Stan a little while ago and I insisted I pay for the stuff....no dice! He is the most stubborn friend in the world! He said I did him many favors and he could never repay me....the truth is Stan has done so much for me and other family members we will never get even with him! I am truly hurt because I feel I should pay for the wonderful tools....dilema:confused:

I played around this morning a bit and found even the everyday saws are better than anything I have. A quick internet search showed each saw to be in the $200 to $300 range! based on Tools for Woodworking who caries them....another site said "they are the world's finest saws" The chisels look very much like the Hida Tool set made by Chutaro Imai....again very expensive!
I told Stan when I cut myself and I am in the emergeny room from using one of these saws, I will be thinking about him...it still didn't help...he won't let me pay for the tools
Here are links to the saws sold individually....hand made and pricey! I am afraid to use them !


Dan Larson
11-06-2006, 4:38 PM
So I called Stan a little while ago and I insisted I pay for the stuff....no dice! He is the most stubborn friend in the world! He said I did him many favors and he could never repay me....the truth is Stan has done so much for me and other family members we will never get even with him! I am truly hurt because I feel I should pay for the wonderful tools....dilema:confused:

I played around this morning a bit and found even the everyday saws are better than anything I have. A quick internet search showed each saw to be in the $200 to $300 range! based on Tools for Woodworking who caries them....another site said "they are the world's finest saws" The chisels look very much like the Hida Tool set made by Chutaro Imai....again very expensive!
I told Stan when I cut myself and I am in the emergeny room from using one of these saws, I will be thinking about him...it still didn't help...he won't let me pay for the tools
Mark, I think the solution to your problem is obvious... repay Stan by making something special for him with the tools that he gave you.:) Really beautiful stuff, by the way!!!


Jim Becker
11-06-2006, 4:52 PM
Mark, I think the solution to your problem is obvious... repay Stan by making something special for him with the tools that he gave you.

...took the words right out of my mouth...:)

Bill Grumbine
11-06-2006, 4:58 PM
Beautiful tools Mark! I'll be you won't have any trouble getting the lids off of paint cans with those chisels! :eek: :p I'll look forward to seeing some of the work you do with them.


Dave Burnard
11-06-2006, 5:14 PM
Hey Mark,

Lucky dog! Nice chisel set, it's the same as the one I've been using for the last 15 years or so. Nice saws and hammers too, Enjoy!


Hans Braul
11-06-2006, 7:30 PM
Mark, you are one lucky dude! I don't mean just the expensive stuff. There are many ultra-rich in the world for whom these tools would constitute chump-change. I mean the effort and thought he put into finding these tools for you and bringing them home.

Now go build him something nice!
