View Full Version : My first pens...........

Ken Fitzgerald
11-05-2006, 1:54 PM
Well........here's my first two pens. Last night after assembling my new drill press, of course I needed to see if it worked. So I drilled a set of pen blanks. Then I completed them.

American slimlines from Woodcraft. My wife was so impressed with the first one, she bought 20 more kits at Woodcraft yesterday.

The wood used is mesquite sent to my IIRC by Ernie Nyval. I've more mesquite and other pen blanks from Mike in Tx and some from various others during the bombing run.

The last photo.....Ernie.......here's what I did with the wood you sent me! Hope you approve. Thanks!




Bob Noles
11-05-2006, 3:33 PM
Great looking first pens, Ken. Be warned though, if you think falling into turning was a slippery slope, you ain't seen nothing yet now that you have tried the pen factor. They are a lot of fun and the possibilities are endless ;)

Look forward to seeing more.

Scott Donley
11-05-2006, 4:19 PM
Ken, you are a pro ! Make one, wife loves it, then you say " I really need a new drill press to make more " next thing you know you have a new DP ! Your good :D Great looking pens by the way ;)

Glenn Clabo
11-05-2006, 4:23 PM
Hey Ken...
Those baby bonkers have points and shiney stuff on em!;)

(Nice job...)

Frank Fusco
11-05-2006, 5:10 PM
Your work is clean and straightforward. As noted, you are hooked. You are to be further congratulated for not making your first pens with bulges, curves, wasp waists, and other nonsense. Many, probably most, first timers turning pens feel compelled to be ultra creative right from git-go. Once you have your turning and finishing techniques down, try some more upscale kits. I like what you did.

Kurt Rosenzweig
11-05-2006, 5:27 PM
Now you went and did it Ken! New drill press and you have her buying you pen kits! You know now she's gonna expect production! You'll be chained to the lathe pretty soon. I guess I could think of worst things. Nice pens by the way!

Corey Hallagan
11-05-2006, 9:47 PM
Very nice Ken, congrats on the first pens! You will soon be off and running making all kinds of pens. Note you can make some nice modified slimlines with the basic slimline kit. They are fun to make!


Bernie Weishapl
11-05-2006, 9:53 PM
Great job Ken on some mighty fine looking pens. I really like the mesquite. I finally got some from a guy in Texas. You better hang onto the LOYL.

Barry Stratton
11-06-2006, 2:56 AM
Well done Ken!!! Those pens are a slippery slope......Fantastic NE as well!!

Mark Pruitt
11-06-2006, 8:15 AM
Great job Ken, on both the pens and the NE. I hope when I do my first pens that they can come out that nicely.

Keith Burns
11-06-2006, 9:03 AM
Ken, great job for sure !!! What more could you ask for than a wife that likes your work so much she goes out and buys your supplies :) :)