View Full Version : So Everybody's making Confetti lamps.....

Adam Howard
11-04-2006, 8:12 AM
Yeah, I'll join that crowd, although mine aren't nearly as nice as Jim's, Travis's, etc., etc.,

These were good sellers last holiday season, and they're easy to crank out in bulk at about 10 minutes each. They're about 4.25 x 2.25 inches.

Thanks for lookin'.



Bernie Weishapl
11-04-2006, 10:02 AM
Looks pretty nice to me. I like the top one with the collar. I just like contrasting woods. Nice job Adam.

John Terefenko
11-04-2006, 11:01 AM
Love the zebra wood one. That is a ten. Make more of those they will sell. I asked this in someone else's post about these lamps but got no answer so will try here again. Why is it called a confetti lamp?? Where did the name come from?? Do you have to be concerned with the wood catching fire?? If selling these do you have some kind of disclaimer on them for insurance purposes. Todays day and age people will sue you for the smallest things. Looks like a quick easy project.

Curt Fuller
11-04-2006, 11:43 AM
Wow, those are some beauties! That one with the zebrawood and bloodwood collar really jumps out at you.

Adam Howard
11-04-2006, 12:12 PM

I dunno why they're called confetti lamps, except that's what the supplier calls them. I get them from craft supply, woodturnerscatalog.com

Each lamp vessel comes with a sheet supllied by the manufacturer that describes proper use, etc., as well as a tiny funnel for spill-free filling.

The only danger of the wood catching fire would probably only result from spilling the oil, dropping the lamp while lit, etc...

I made several of those, as I was in batch-mode getting ready for Christmas....

Travis Stinson
11-04-2006, 12:40 PM
Those look great Adam. The contrasting woods are especially nice. :cool:

John Terefenko
11-04-2006, 1:12 PM
your dimentions are 4-1/2" X 2-1/2" I am asuming the first is the diameter and the second is the height??? What size block do you cut these from?? If I may ask what is a going price to sell one of those??? Do you drill the holes or do you hollow out??? Is that ring paduak?? Are they bottom two paduak?? So many questions. Thanks for the replys.

Kurt Rosenzweig
11-04-2006, 1:12 PM
You should put one in the turning contest Adam! Excellent job!

Jim Becker
11-04-2006, 2:58 PM
Outstanding, Adam!

Gary Butterfield
11-04-2006, 9:03 PM
Those lamps are really nice. This is what makes this forum so good, everybody has different ideas.

Corey Hallagan
11-04-2006, 9:14 PM
The look great to me, especially the bloodwood ones. Very cool!


Mark Pruitt
11-04-2006, 9:18 PM
Great job Adam!

Adam Howard
11-04-2006, 9:44 PM

Here's how I make 'em......

Select blocks of wood around 2" thick. Glue on thin blocks of contrasting wood, or you can use a solid species. My blocks range 4-5" square by 2-2.5" thick.

I drill the holes to the proper depth to fit the insert. I then turn them on a long tenon with the tailstock engaged until the very end. I often use a small bit of painter's tape to get the proper fit on the tenon (prevents burning). Turn the profile, take away the tailstock and finish up the bottom. Sand and finish.

The red colored wood in the pics is bloodwood.

If you want to know how much they go for, PM me.

Nancy Laird
11-04-2006, 11:46 PM
[quote=John Terefenko]I asked this in someone else's post about these lamps but got no answer so will try here again. Why is it called a confetti lamp?? Where did the name come from?? [quote]

John, I don't have a definitive answer, and I don't claim to have any inside information, but I can make a guess: You know how confetti just scatters around when you throw up a handful? I think that confetti lamps were originally made just to be scattered around on a patio or in a yard for small lights, as for a party, and were just scattered around. So, being scattered like confetti, they earned the name "confetti lamps."

So, if i'm wrong, shoot me.


Jim Ketron
11-04-2006, 11:50 PM
Great Confetti Lamps Adam!
These are fun to make and also good practice for HF shapes.;)
Keep them turnings rolling in Bud!

Glenn Hodges
11-05-2006, 4:27 PM
Adam, these look like they will be great sellers for you, good luck.

Kurt Rosenzweig
11-05-2006, 5:17 PM
[quote=Nancy Laird
So, if i'm wrong, shoot me.


No need for violence Nancey! Sounds about right to me!:D

Keith Burns
11-05-2006, 7:37 PM
Great lamps Adam:) :) :)