View Full Version : Hey Bernie Weishapl............................

Ken Fitzgerald
11-04-2006, 1:14 AM
I turned my first pen late this evening...........An American slimline from Woodcraft.

When you turn pens, do you buff them out on a buffing system?

Barry Stratton
11-04-2006, 1:59 AM
Cool Ken......wheres the pics???????

Bernie Weishapl
11-04-2006, 10:06 AM
If I finish them in Lacquer I first use the triploi and white diamond but not the carnuba wax and then spray on the lacquer. If using just EEE and friction polish or wipe on poly I just polish with the carnuba wax. Don't know if it is right or wrong Ken but they turn out awfully nice. When I was at woodcraft and bought my Rikon the guy told me to try some Renaissance Wax on pens both after using lacquer, friction polish or wipe on poly. He said to put it one thinly and let it dry. Then take a small buff in a drill and buff with the lathe running. I must admit it turns out really, really nice.

Corey Hallagan
11-04-2006, 9:10 PM
Congrats Ken! They are fun aren't they!


Tom Sherman
11-05-2006, 7:09 AM
Way to go Ken, I have a friend that hates to sand so he does the minimum amount and then buff's very well. His pens come out looking like glass he also uses CA for his finish.