View Full Version : Boy have I missed you guys!

Matt Bridges
10-26-2003, 9:43 AM
I went to the woodworking show in Nashville yesterday and as my wife and I are looking around, I see a booth with the "Old Rebel Workshop". I did a double take and the fella in the booth looked familiar. I told my wife "Hey! I know that guy!" So I explain to her who he is and we go up and introduce ourselves. Told Ken who I was, and that I missed everybody, but that I just didn't particularly care for the site after Badger Pond was gone and he told me I was completely missing out and informed me about Sawmill Creek and here I am!

First let me say, this place is awesome. I've done some looking around and I REALLY like the layout, user friendliness, ease of posting project pics, and of course the people I used to "hang" out with on the net :) .

I've had some major changes since last talking with those of you I know (well, except 1 or 2 I kept in contact thru e-mail). First is that we moved into a great house out in the country that has a 1.5 car garage my wife has given me permission to make into a shop, YEAH!! However, this will be a loooooooong drawn project do to the other major change which is that our first child is due May 1st. We are very excited and happy to be having this addition to our lives.

Well, I guess that's enough ramblings for now. I look forward to being back involved with you all and this site looks great.


P.S. I was reading the FAQ and couldn't find a file size limit on pictures? I don't wanna post anything too big and slow, so what's the limit?

Glenn Clabo
10-26-2003, 10:07 AM
Hey Matt,
WELCOME! I'm sure you'll really like this place. Congrats on the little one!

As far as picture file size...here's Jasons comments from back a way...


Ted Shrader
10-26-2003, 10:22 AM
MAtt -

Welcome back! Glad you made your way to the Creek. It is also a nice friendly place to hang out. Play around with the features the site software offers. I think you will like it. Lots of new faces, too!


Keith Outten
10-26-2003, 1:28 PM

Welcome Home! You will find lots of old friends here from the Pond and some new friends that have joined us along the way.

The file size limit is just over 100k, if you keep your picture files at 100K you should be fine. Our software also allows multiple files to be attached, make sure you select "Add This File" after you select each file from your local hard drive and allow time as each file is transfered to our server.

Terry Quiram
10-26-2003, 8:07 PM
Hey Matt

I thought you had dropped off the face of the earth. Glad to see you are still kickin' around. Are you still scrolling? Nice to see to hear from you again.


Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
10-26-2003, 9:18 PM
Glad you are here, Matt. Will be looking forward to your pics of scrollimgs and your posts as well. You will like this site. I envy you the visit with Ken.

Matt Bridges
10-26-2003, 9:46 PM
Thanks to you all for the warm welcome. I've been looking around on here some more and I am very impressed. Looking forward to trying out all the gadgets and gizmos on this site :)


Jim Shaver, Oakville Ont
10-26-2003, 10:33 PM
Hi Matt,

Great to see you here, I enjoy this forum as well.

Take care,