View Full Version : Starting them young

John Renzetti
10-31-2006, 9:29 PM
Hi, Last Saturday I signed my 14 yr old son up for some bowl and spindle turning lessons at Woodcraft in New Castle DE. He got some lessons about 3 yrs ago from Bill Grumbine but didn't really get into it. He wanted to start again. The instructor said he learned real fast. The bowl is the one he turned during the class. The other pictures I took of him today turning a small goblet in the shop. Now if only he could transfer that consentration and attention to detail to his schoolwork.
take care,

Jim Becker
10-31-2006, 10:12 PM

And perhaps the attention to detail here WILL rub off elsewhere...sometimes "successes" are required to make that happen.

Charlie Plesums
10-31-2006, 11:40 PM
I suspect the earlier lessons weren't lost, just hidden. That is a great piece - especially if he really were a beginner.

Corey Hallagan
11-01-2006, 12:18 AM
Very nice John. Great that your son shows an interest in something you do. The bowl looks great and it looks like he has a real nice goblet going there!


Brian Buckley
11-01-2006, 8:57 AM
Congratulations on being able to get your son in the shop. It seems the apple might not fall far from the tree.
If you look way back and try to remember, studying takes time from thinking about girls. Looks to me your son is on track


Mike Wilkins
11-01-2006, 9:29 AM
I vaguely remember being 14 years old. Made straight A's until I got to this age, then discovered girls. Have not been the same since. This may be just the thing to get him focused on something positive.
Keep up the great work.

Dave Ray
11-01-2006, 11:33 AM
John, it's a great feeling working alongside him and showing off his stuff, isn't it? Takes great parents to inspire a young fellow today, too many other distractions. These are the times you both will remember with pride for the rest of your lives.

Joe Dusel (Vista, CA)
11-04-2006, 6:58 PM

I surprised at you having your son use a JET! He should at least be working with a Oneway!

Nice work!
