View Full Version : Pair of Pears

Mark Cothren
10-31-2006, 7:30 PM
This first one is about 6-1/2" x 6-1/2"... just wanted to try a different shape. Not in love with it, but it'll do. Just for kicks, mixed some Watco Natural and Watco Cherry and used it on this one. The wood isn't very receptive to a finish - even oil - but it did slightly tint it. Not enough you can see any Cherry color to it. Buffed w/ carnuba.

The second one I was going for an egg shape... didn't really end up like I intended... It's about 6" tall 6" wide... this one I just used one thin swipe of Watco - mainly to darken the bark. Buffed w/ carnuba.

Any and all comments welcomed.

Ted Calver
10-31-2006, 7:45 PM
Both of these forms are nice. I particularly like where you were headed on the second one...kind of a calabashy look.

Dennis Peacock
10-31-2006, 7:48 PM
Both are nice Mark....but the forms aren't my favorite. Different, but maybe they'll grow on me.

Mark Pruitt
10-31-2006, 8:25 PM
Was it Arby's that used to have "Different is good" for a slogan? Lot of truth to that. I do like these. The first one is my favorite of the two. The second one IMHO would have turned out better with a smaller foot. Still, very nicely done.

Jonathon Spafford
10-31-2006, 8:41 PM
I personally really like the looks of those... they are both unique. I do agree that the second one would have been better with a foot, but good job. I like the NE on the top!!!

Bernie Weishapl
10-31-2006, 9:03 PM
Looks mighty fine to me Mark. Nice job. I like the tops.

Mark Singer
10-31-2006, 10:28 PM
Very nice forms...I like it!!!

Jim Becker
11-01-2006, 9:31 AM
I have a preference for "door number one" due to the SW style, but both are very nice turnings...as usual!

Ken Fitzgerald
11-01-2006, 11:03 AM
Mark........I like both of them but I especially like number two. Interesting shapes.

Nancy Laird
11-01-2006, 12:39 PM
Mark, both of these are beautiful, but I have to second/third/fourth my preference for the first one. The form is suggestive of some Southwest pottery I've seen....very pretty.

The second one looks like my male cat from the back---all butt and very bottom-heavy.;) I still like it, but if you have no room in your display case for things, I'll take the first one and put it on show at my house. :D (I keep making these offers to take this stuff of others' hands, but no one seems to be taking me up on it. HMMMMMM).
