View Full Version : jig for drilling in turnings

Mark Pruitt
10-31-2006, 12:08 PM
I know I have seen a jig recently that mounts on the tool rest or banjo, which you can use as a guide for drilling holes through your turned projects (which you fill with plugs of a contrasting species). Now that I'm interested in taking another look, I can't seem to find it. I've looked "everywhere" (well it feels like everywhere). I can't remember how expensive it is, which could matter greatly at the moment.

You use this jig to govern the desired angle at which to drill, and your lathe's indexing system to position the holes evenly. I'm a little bit ":o :o :o" about having to ask this but I'm finding zero, zilch, nada, nyat, nuttin', when I know good 'n well that thing's out there somewhere...

...and I'm only 47. Gee whiz. I need memory pills!:(

Bernie Weishapl
10-31-2006, 12:38 PM
Mark my grandmother who is 98 says that Oldtimers can set in at any age. I will turn 60 and it set in several years ago. :mad: :eek: :D :p

Mike Vickery
10-31-2006, 12:40 PM
is this what you are looking for

Mark Pruitt
10-31-2006, 1:27 PM
is this what you are looking for
Mike, that tool pretty well does the job. However, the one I remember seeing was of a more simple design/construction. Whereas the Oneway jig holds the entire drill, the one I have on my mind holds only the bit, and guides it on much the same principle as a pocket hole jig. It seems that there are bushings to accomodate different sized bits.

But thanks Mike. That's definitely one to consider.

"I know I saw that thing.....I wasn't dreaming......grrrrrr...."

Keith Burns
10-31-2006, 1:34 PM
Mark I think the one you are after is made by Sorby. I have one and it works well. I don't know if they still make them.

Mark Pruitt
10-31-2006, 1:55 PM
Mark I think the one you are after is made by Sorby. I have one and it works well. I don't know if they still make them.
Keith, that's it! I just went to their website and went to Lathe Accessories and there's a picture of it, just as pretty as you please. Thanks!!!

Frank Fusco
10-31-2006, 2:07 PM
Craft Supplies USA has a nice one. I would post a link but my links get deleted.