View Full Version : First Lathe

Jon Shively
10-30-2006, 1:25 PM
Well, you all peaked the interest started from watching a wood turner show for the past year. Bought the 15" lathe from Sears, got it home Friday night, put together Friday night and can you believe the tool set ordered at the same time won't be in until this Thursday. Well I do have a piece of 2x2 pine rounded off using my hand chisels. Can't believe they don't put a complimentary tool in the box so the thing can be used upon set up. Oh well, waited this long, few more days won't kill me.

Kurt Rosenzweig
10-30-2006, 1:35 PM
[quote=, few more days won't kill me.[/quote]

Yes it will!!! LOL!!!

Mark Pruitt
10-30-2006, 1:53 PM
This is an urgent matter and calls for drastic measures.:eek: I recommend that you locate a section of steel conduit in your house, either galvanized or black pipe, and cut a segment from it about 18"-24" in length. Then, proceed to the grinder where you can shape one end of it to the desired turning profile. This should provide you with enough gratification to hold you till the "real" tools come on Thursday.

Oh, and before you go to cutting on that conduit, I strongly suggest finding the source of whatever flows through it and cutting off the flow. This should ensure a minimum mess--but then, if if you didn't want to make a mess you wouldn't have bought a spinny thing, would you?:p

Also be advised that if a SWMBO is present, this could adversely affect your coping strategy. Be wise to that.


spoken in jest of course........enjoy your lathe!:)

Scott Donley
10-30-2006, 2:43 PM
Welcome to the spinny side of woodworking and to let you know your now doomed. I also used some old bench chisels on my first turning, that was before I found out you can't do that :) as it CAN be a bit unsafe if your not use to the workings of your lathe. Here's hoping your new tools show up early :D

Jon Shively
10-30-2006, 3:04 PM
spoken in jest of course........enjoy your lathe!:)

What the heck does SWMBO mean?

Jonathon Spafford
10-30-2006, 3:28 PM
SWMBO... She Who Must Be Obeyed :D

Congratulations on your new lathe!!! Hope the tools turn up soon!!!

Jonathon Spafford
10-30-2006, 4:01 PM
Addendum: How many have you noticed that the acronym LOML is usually paired with a tool gloat and the term SWMBO is usually paired with a lack of tools :D :D

Bernie Weishapl
10-30-2006, 5:55 PM
Welcome Jon to Creek. Lots of good people and lots of knowledge. By the way several of us have that same lathe. You might at well start working on the SWMBO now and see if you can get your monthly allowance tripled.:eek: :D :D :p

Jon Shively
10-31-2006, 10:48 AM
It is nice to start the day off with a laugh (and a lathe)!!! The hand carving tools aren't doing a good job (maybe they are and it is me!!!). Anyway, SWMBO, I understand now. But then another acronym is applied, LOML, what the heck is that?

My current allowance allowing for this toy, besides teaching Agriculture Education at my local high school, I drive a school bus route. Using that money for "extras" and my interest in wood working is peaking as I am now into the finish work on the addition to my home and finishing the kitchen cabinets I started, well a few months ago.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-31-2006, 10:58 AM
Jon........ The definition of the acronym LOML..is..Love Of My Life.............Welcome to the Creek and to turning! The inmates here gifted me with a Jet VS Mini and accessories in late January. 9 months later my shop isn't finished, my billfold is now always empty and I've got stuff ordered on the CC.......But I sure smile a lot more.:D If you're new to turning standby! I was addicted to cigarettes for 41 years.........this is worse! I find myself fighting constantly to stop myself from buying some more tools...accessories....materials......It's a constant battle but .....Turning is a new passion in my life! I'm sure you'll get addicted too! It's nearly instant gratification!


Edited due to harrassing PMs about previously unedited post......KF

Mark Pruitt
10-31-2006, 11:56 AM
Anyway, SWMBO, I understand now. But then another acronym is applied, LOML, what the heck is that?

Ken answered your question, but for future reference you might consider bookmarking acronymfinder.com. That site will answer just about any question you might have when translating acronyms.

Jon Shively
10-31-2006, 12:48 PM
Acronym finder, Thanks a bunch Mark. Obviously never knew that existed. Very good, found it, bookmarked it, and have learned something very valuable already!

Chris Chavis
10-31-2006, 6:27 PM
Where abouts in Northwest Indiana? I live in Wanatah - work in Valpo. Just joined a couple days ago myself. Real nice group of people here.

Welcome aboard!

Jon Shively
11-01-2006, 9:21 AM
Chris I live near Toto (Mark Bailey's Discount store is a close neighbor) teach Ag. Ed in North Judson. Go to Valpo once in a while to visit Blythe's. You are close. Much experience with a lathe?

Chris Chavis
11-01-2006, 4:33 PM
Ha - that's funny, you're about 20 minutes from me then. :P We go to Bailey's probably every other month. We live right off 30 in the 'old' part of Wanatah.

They opened up a Woodcraft in Merrillville in Feb. - across from Southlake. Took a scrollsaw class there and the pen turning 101 class most recently.

New to turning myself, but working at it. May have to get together and share some ideas.

Jon Shively
11-02-2006, 9:43 AM
When you leave Mark Bailey's Discount parking lot, turn right (North) and I am the second house on the left (West). Have the cattle in the front pasture and most times horses. If home would be glad to meet and talk to you. Where does a person find out about the classes offered at this WoodCrafters place?