View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
10-24-2003, 10:07 AM
Whoopeee, it's Friday! I'm trying to wrap up a few odds and ends and head south for the Texas BBQ. I have to make a quick service call on my way down, but hope to get done early enough to stop by Mike Mastin's new place in McKinney. For those of you going to the BBQ, I will see you tomorrow. For those of you unfortunate souls who can't go, what're you up to this weekend?

Have a great weekend all,

Scott Coffelt
10-24-2003, 10:16 AM
Continue to work on the wrap around entertainment center for my big screen. Will spend the weekend trying to get the main carcasses assembled, worked on finishing up the main panel cuts last night and started laying out and cutting dados in the sides.

Maybe a moutain bike ride, depending on the weather. Catch a little football, and hang out with the family.

Steve Inniss
10-24-2003, 10:31 AM
Continue to work on the wrap around entertainment center for my big screen. Will spend the weekend trying to get the main carcasses assembled, worked on finishing up the main panel cuts last night and started laying out and cutting dados in the sides.

Maybe a moutain bike ride, depending on the weather. Catch a little football, and hang out with the family.
Scott, what size is the TV? I am mentally debating building a "center" for the TV and audio/video stuff, but the TV's 55" and, unless I break it up -visually, it'll be a monster.

Byron Trantham
10-24-2003, 10:32 AM
Having finally finished the last of three pieces of baby furniture for my kids, I am now working on a paying job. Should have it done by Sunday. [It says here in fine print :rolleyes:]

Next project? A whole new sewing room the LOML. Converting one of the empty nests into a custom made room for her. Wall hanging cabinets, 12' long sewing table, drawers, lots of lighting, and a huge ceiling fan needed to spread paper pattern pieces all over the room :p ! The closet is already lined with floor to ceiling shelves. I even put a fluorescent light in there. We removed the sliding doors from the closet giving the room a bigger feel and ready access to all the small storage boxes containing fabric. One of my wife's favorite saying, "She who dies with the most fabric, WINS"

Steve Jenkins
10-24-2003, 10:32 AM
BBQ time tomorrow. Looks like lotsa turning which seems pretty normal for these to-do's. See y'all here. Steve

Jim Becker
10-24-2003, 11:15 AM
This weekend entails some painting, MAJOR shop cleaning and building some glass front doors for the bookcase I completed last weekend. There will also be time on the lathe... :D

Anthony Yakonick
10-24-2003, 12:31 PM
:( I got no life,yet!

Scott Coffelt
10-24-2003, 12:42 PM
I have a Mitsubishi 50", it is not the new HDTV style which are wider. Yes, by the nature of them they can be a real eye sore. I prefer the contempary style, so I am making it pretty sleek looking. I am combating part of the issue by making it two towers and then having the bridge section being lower in the middle. It will have two glass raised toppers on each tower supported by aluminum rods with upward facing lights. This should help bring some change to the stard big box look to it. I also plan to wrap the TV to make it fill together as a single piece versus two towers. We'll see when it is all done, hopefully it turns out like I want. I am using Oak and plan on painting black as the grain will really stand out.

Dennis Peacock
10-24-2003, 12:51 PM
What else....just working on this CD cabinet as I get time. I wanted to go to the BBQ in TX, but work at "work" and time crunch for getting this CD cabinet done is about to put me under.

Eddie Severt
10-24-2003, 12:54 PM
Rented scaffolding to put new siding on one end of the barn, and will fix some loose gutter while I have it. Also, new ball joints in my wife's Blazer.

Dave Arbuckle
10-24-2003, 1:00 PM
Party at Steve's!!! :D


Steve Clardy
10-24-2003, 2:11 PM
Still working on this never ending walnut staircase. Have 25 more balisters to turn and sand and finish the main staircase Hand rail. Then install some time next week. Then I'm down to two small balcony railings. Then If I get paid for all this time--------.
Probably also work on the bedroom bath remodel in the house some too. Putting up some rock and mudding and taping that too. Hate that job. Would rather build cabinets or staircases.

Paul Geer
10-24-2003, 5:03 PM
This weekend, finish lamp project I started last year! :D

Jim Baker
10-24-2003, 5:55 PM
My shop time this weekend will be spent installing dovetailed drawers, working on some simple oak shaker peg coat racks for some people at work, and milling the stock for some raised panel doors.

Phil Phelps
10-24-2003, 10:19 PM
Still working on this never ending walnut staircase. Have 25 more balisters to turn and sand and finish the main staircase Hand rail. Then install some time next week. Then I'm down to two small balcony railings. Then If I get paid for all this time--------.
Probably also work on the bedroom bath remodel in the house some too. Putting up some rock and mudding and taping that too. Hate that job. Would rather build cabinets or staircases.

If you looked half as good as your work, you'd be Ms. America :D :D :p
I'll be at Jenkin's tomorrow. I'm bringin' the possum gizzards and pickled parrot .... uh, maybe cookies.

Todd Burch
10-24-2003, 11:41 PM
Saturday will be spent painting a house (outside) as part of a two weekend mission project @ church. Last weekend we set 10 posts for a wheelchair ramp and scraped and power washed the house. Tomorrow, actually set the rails and decking for the ramp and final scraping and painting. Sunday - church & a nap (naps are biblical you know...), maybe cut out some pictures frames for another client. Todd.

Kevin Gerstenecker
10-24-2003, 11:45 PM
The weather is supposed to be rainy and chilly in my neck of the woods, so I guess I will be forced to do some shop cleaning, and some turning. I have had my new Mini Lathe since Wednesday, and it has yet to see any wood...............so that just HAS to be rectified! ;) So, after I clean up the shop some, I will be spinnin' the Mini and there is no telling what the outcome will be............but I will be sure to share whatever happens with ya. Other than some Football on Sunday, I should be clear for takeoff in the shop. (I also have some flat work in progress, so maybe I can get the lathe's satisfied to the point where I can finish a box or two.) :D Have a good weekend everyone, and don't forget to change the clocks back on Saturday Night..............after all, it will give you another hour of shop time! :D

John Miliunas
10-25-2003, 10:14 AM
Same thing I've been doing for the last couple weeks: Post-move organizing, setting up, moving stuff some more and trying to setup some semblence of a shop! Still need to pickup ceiling lights and order cyclone and table saw, though I did finally setup my Delta contractor saw last night to help with other stuff. Basically, drowning in a sea of boxes! How the Hell I had *ALL* that stuff in a 20x17' shop before, is totally beyond me! (Granted, I have taken over some "other" stuff, so I'm catching some overflow goods in there, as well.) My "finishing room" is currently temporary storage for "stuff". Not that it matters too much for now, because I can't effectively build anything to finish, anyway! Gettin' there, though. (I'll try and post some "before" pics of the shop if/when I can find the pics.) Have a super weekend, everyone! :cool:

Steve Clardy
10-25-2003, 10:47 AM
If you looked half as good as your work, you'd be Ms. America :D :D :p
I'll be at Jenkin's tomorrow. I'm bringin' the possum gizzards and pickled parrot .... uh, maybe cookies.

Hmmm, guess I better change my Avatar? lol
Steve :rolleyes:

Bruce Zelt
10-26-2003, 1:04 AM
Today was spent doing Halloween Parties with the neighborhood kids.

I am starting on Sunday today by praying for no rain until the race ends!

Yep, going to the Nascar race in Hampton,GA tomorrow.
