View Full Version : Boxes w/pics

Bob Lasley
10-23-2003, 11:04 PM
With limited shop time lately :( I have at least managed to finish these boxes that I started several months ago. The larger ones are Jatoba aka Brazilian Cherry finished with witches brew (blo, mineral spirits and varnish). The small one is poplar with a bookmatched figured maple top finished with Minwax Tung Oil Finish. I don't normally make finished boxes from poplar, but I really liked the grain on this piece. I flocked the inside of all three. First time I had tried that and was pleased with the results.

Thanks for looking,

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
10-23-2003, 11:39 PM
I don't normally make finished boxes from poplar, but I really liked the grain on this piece. I flocked the inside of all three. First time I had tried that and was pleased with the results.
Thanks for looking,

As a confirmed turner who has not made a flat piece since high school ... are the boxes hard to do to get them to look as good as yours? My SIL wants a box that is 12"L X 10"W X 4"T for a 1782 family bible her father is giving to her. She says "it doesn't have to be fancy, just something secure to put it in". You know how that goes. She looks at me and says "hey, you do woodworking. I need you to make me a box." Even I know I can't turn one on the lathe to fit this baby! I'd like to learn how to do dovetails with a jig and router set up, but have never seen one. How's that for green? Seeing all of the boxes you folks make that are fantastic makes me want to do something for her more than ever, and have it become as much a keepsake as the bible itself. Keep posting the pictures and ideas. I'll get there someday, I hope.

Dennis Peacock
10-24-2003, 12:14 AM
Beautiful as always Bob!!!!!!!

Do tell about the "flocking" since I have never seen it. Thanks for sharing the pics. LOML wants one now!!!! Thanks....that's all I needed was "another" project to do.!! :)

Lloyd Robins
10-24-2003, 12:17 AM
That is a nice grain on the poplar. Please tell us more about the flocking, and the witches brew. Keep up the good work. :)

Bob Lasley
10-24-2003, 12:31 AM
Dennis, Lloyd,

The flocking is manufactured by Suede-Tex. I bought mine from Woodcraft. It is really quite easy to do. The wood must be sealed, I used shellac. Then brush on a coat of color matched glue also from Suede-Tex. Then you blow on the flocking fibers with what Suede-Tex calls a "Mini Flocker" which is basically two tubes, one slid inside of the other and one of them with holes in the end. Sort of a pump. Let it all sit for 12 hours and then dump the excess flocking off and your done. BTW, the excess can be reused. Neat stuff and available in many colors.

Lloyd, the witches brew is a fairly popular finish. Some people substitute tung oil for the boiled linseed oil, others substitute turpentine for the mineral spirits. I have used both with equally good results. I apply it with a rag, let it sit a few minutes and wipe it off. Usually about 3 coats.


Jim Becker
10-24-2003, 9:35 AM
Oooo....nice square lidded bowls! :D Seriously, these are beautiful boxes, Bob. Nicely done; good figure and attractive interior treatments. (The photography is great, too) Keep up the good work!

Byron Trantham
10-24-2003, 10:48 AM
Beeautiful! How difficult was the flocking? I've considered trying it but it seemed pricey and I wasn't sure I was up to making the surface even.

Nice job and I particularly like your color choices/wood combinations.

Howard Rosenberg
10-24-2003, 12:38 PM
You have a great touch. Howard

Steve Clardy
10-24-2003, 4:19 PM
Keep up the excellent work there, Bob. I like the figured wood. Really stands out. Are these future Hatfield door prizes? :D :D :D

Ken Wright
10-24-2003, 4:31 PM
I particularly like the Poplar box and especially the top ...

Looks like that ShopFox is continuing to serve you well!!!