View Full Version : Saturday afternoon Christmas Gifts......

Ken Fitzgerald
10-29-2006, 1:34 PM
With a lot of work at home and at work over the last month or so .....I haven't turned much. A couple of weeks ago I was asked by the LOML to make some Christmas gifts for the folks she works with. Now these are going to be collaboration presents between she and I.......decorated Christmas weedpots for the desks of the teachers and aides she works with.......The first one turned out great! I turned and finished it....she decorated it!........So I got in a turning mood...only 11 more to go.....well...the second one hit the floor as I was Beal buffing it.......shattered..........The 3rd one hit the floor while I was buffing it.....shattered .......I closed the door on the shop and walked out and hadn't been in there for 2 weeks......

So yesterday afternoon it was time to climb back into the saddle and ride that horse...........These are Christmas gifts meant for some friends and realtives........they aren't Glenn Hodges' but they are my first bottle stoppers.........regular and deluxe from Craft Supplies........finish....well.....I talked with a lot of folks and finally developed my own finishing process.........BLO to pop the grain......dewaxed shellac to seal the BLO and brush-on Deft for alcohol resistance..........All friction polished so you can complete the finishing process in less than 15 minutes for each one..........birdseye maple, tigerwood, and various others that I don't remember.......

As usual...your critiques are welcome.....I don't improve my skills if you don't point out my mistakes, errors, etc...........TIA

Corey Hallagan
10-29-2006, 2:05 PM
They look great Ken and will make nice gifts. Seems like the buffing wheel can be a pain. Maybe just skip that step on small items. I hope I can get my gifts done in time. Nice work Ken.


Bernie Weishapl
10-29-2006, 2:13 PM
Those are some beauties Ken. They will make very nice gifts. Great job sir.

Jim Ketron
10-29-2006, 2:32 PM
They look Great Ken!
Nice Job!
I have also launched a few from the buffer!:mad:
you will learn fast how not to buff something after you loose a few.;)
But I have not lost one in a long time. also some padding around on the floor while buffing is a good idea.

Ed Scolforo
10-29-2006, 4:01 PM
Nice looking stoppers, Ken. In case you didn't know it, Ed Davidson runs a stopper group on yahoo. You can get alot of design ideas there.

Tom Sherman
10-29-2006, 8:00 PM
That's the way to beat the beast Ken. Great looking stoppers.

Keith Burns
10-30-2006, 9:16 AM
Ken, great looking stoppers for sure. Glad you didn't let the buffer whip ya:) :)