View Full Version : Historic tool

Frank Fusco
10-28-2006, 4:43 PM
I wish I had a better photo of this. I am an enthusiast of old style traditional muzzle loading guns and their history. At a recent event, a friend of mine brought this marking guage. He bought it several years back at an aution of the contents of the original J & S Hawken shop in St. Louis. It is stamped "J&S Hawken". The wing nut, pencil and modern screw are obvious replacements but otherwise it is in working condition. I made a replica of it but not exact. Next time I see my friend, I'll take better measurements and photos and make as near a replica as possible. For those concerned about such things (as I am): It won't be stamped, my initials will be on it. This will be a replica, not a faked original.

Maurice Metzger
10-28-2006, 11:38 PM
Frank, that's interesting. It looks like it doesn't extend out very far though - is that because it was used for gun stocks?


Fred Krow
10-29-2006, 12:06 AM

Interesting marking gauge, thanks for posting. I assume it would be useful for marking out the barrel channel in the stock forearm area?

Fred Krow