View Full Version : Easy smart Guide

Don Selke
10-27-2006, 10:42 PM
Has anyone purchased and used the Eurekazone Easy Smart Guide system?

I was going to purchase a Festool 55 saw this weekend with all the trimmings. Well, the wife reminded me as to the close proxcimity of Christmas and with all the Grand kids to acquire gifts for, it is temporarly on hold. In fact, it may be on hold for a long time if the wife gets her way.:( :( :(
Since I have three circular saws, I may conscider purchasing the Easy Smart Guide system. I sent them a e-mail and have not heard any response. Since all my saws are blade on the left, I was wondering it the easy guide system would work.

Thanks for the input.


Jon Eckels
10-27-2006, 10:59 PM
What questions did you have about the EZ Guide? Eurekazone has a forum right here on SMC, maybe you could ask your questions there? http://www.sawmillcreek.org/forumdisplay.php?f=26

There are a lot of satisfied users of the EZ here, and i'm sure someone will be happy to help you out. A note of caution though, the EZ/Festool debate is a hot one, and every thread (outside of Eurekazone's own forum)that seems to even mention both brands at the same time tends to turn ugly. If you have specific EZ questions you're probably better off asking them there.

As far as the left bladed saw question, yes the EZ guide will work, but it really more depends on what hand is your primary. if you're right handed and using a left bladed saw, then it may be uncomfortable for you to use some of the EZ Smart accessories such as the Smart Square. If you're left handed and using a left bladed saw, then you can just switch the handing on all the parts and you'll notice no discomfort at all. hope that helps! :)

David Rose
10-28-2006, 12:07 AM
What'z an "EZ Guide"? Never heard of such. I'll bet if two companies came out with such a device, it could get competitive and controversial. Do ya think? :D :eek: :D

Just funnin' ya, Don.

Jon, last I checked, there was no guide that would work with the LH blades. Thanks for the heads up. I'll check again/more.


Dave Falkenstein
10-28-2006, 12:43 AM
Here's a link to the EZSmart FAQ that addresses your question:


Hoa Dinh
10-28-2006, 12:55 AM

The EZ Smart base for blade-left saw doesn't exist :mad:

That's the default answer.

But if you have "connections," anything is possible :D

Contact Dino (as stated, it's easier on the EZ Smart forum), he will take care of you. :)

John Bailey
10-28-2006, 2:19 AM

When you log-in to SMC you'll see a list of all the forums. If you go to the bottom you'll find all the manufacturer's forums. Click on "EurekaZone" and you'll get all the info you need.


Don Selke
10-28-2006, 2:34 AM
Thanks to all, got all the info that I needed.