View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
10-27-2006, 4:43 AM
Friday October 27th, 2006

WOW! Another week and almost the end of another month. Where do they go??? Only a few weeks and it'll be Thanksgiving.

My weekend will consist of getting the rest of the summer stuff put away and prepare for the winter. Also run the mower over the leaves and mulch them up and then get the snow thrower on the JD.

So what's on your agenda for the weekend? Going to any Halloween parties? How about some pictures of your costume.

Have a good weekend everyone. Above all make it SAFE!!!


Al Navas
10-27-2006, 7:09 AM
Most likely a few things, in the following order:

Finish a small prototype dovetailed cherry chest for a client.
Start milling sycamore boards for dovetailed cradle - client is our daughter :D .
If dry enough, run the Cyclone rake to pick up leaves - don't want to fall too far behind.
Put snow blade on tractor, just in case.Al
Sandal Woods - Fine Woodworking

Bob Childress
10-27-2006, 7:11 AM
Work on small table for my office equipment, finish up some work on the kitchen redo and clean up the shop. I am about two weeks behind on everything and don't know how it happened. :(

Rennie Heuer
10-27-2006, 8:17 AM
Perhaps this week I will finally have time to get back into the shop after 4 weeks of being either too busy or too tired to do so. I really need to get started on the candle stands to match the altar, font, and pulpit I built for our church last year.

Tyler Howell
10-27-2006, 8:21 AM
Painting, punch list, disassembling a couple shop tools for the migration north. That will actually be a blessing as the shop is pretty crowded right now:o .
Have a safe one.


Jim Hager
10-27-2006, 8:25 AM
I've got an easy weekend coming with only 18 RP red oak doors to put out the door by Monday morning. Things are kinda slowin down around here and I ain't complaining. Raining buckets here this morning so it's gonna be another dreary day.

jeremy levine
10-27-2006, 8:27 AM
Play with new Kreg Pocket Rocket ( oops pocket gloat) , add attic insulation and finish the finishing on some doors ( around the house).

Al Willits
10-27-2006, 9:02 AM
Saturday I have to deal with 6" of leaves in the back yard, then make room for the lumber we're gonna pick up in Iowa in a week, finish assembling the EZ Smart and maybe finally insert the .003 shim in the Jointer to make setting the jointer up done.

Also the required cleaning of the shop/garage...:D

Sunday I have to work, but the double time will help pay for the trip to Iowa, then maybe play in the garage for a bit and then take Beasty out to eat.

btw....Tyler, not planning on a garage/shop sale are ya? :D :D

Be well and safe this weekend...


Mike Sommer
10-27-2006, 9:07 AM
Soccer Saturday morning, Buckeye game Saturday afternoon, Halloween party Satuday night. Shop time on Sunday, have a bandsaw sled to finish up so I can get the walnut logs out of the driveway. Should be relaxing.


Dennis Peacock
10-27-2006, 9:18 AM
Good Morning Karl,

Well, this week, I'm on my new work schedule. I'm now working four 10 hour days. But, I don't have to do oncall any more. :D :D :cool:

I'm putting lacquer on the computer desk "base" parts now and I'm still researching about "Black Lacquer" so I can start doing the finish on the desktop of the computer desk.
Church on Sunday since I play bass again this Sunday. I'm off Monday and Tuesday, as well as Sunday because of my new work schedule. :D

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

Jim Bills
10-27-2006, 9:27 AM
Attempting to apply a finish to this small entry table.

Finally got the finish applied, and the piece put in place and loaded.

Jim Becker
10-27-2006, 9:37 AM
Well...Nastia is home from school today with some form of sickness, so it will be interesting to see how the weekend gets started. Alesya has a Halloween party tonight and if Alesya is, umm...recovered...we may take her to a haunted house while the other is celebrating with her friends. Saturdays are dance class for the younger and karate for the older and then we have a fall party at a close friend/coworker's house later in the day. Sunday is...landscaping and other tasks in preparation for our proposed home addition for me and probably a variety of things for the rest of the family around the house...like playing and watching videos. A normal weekend, in other words...

Oh, and maybe some pumpkin carving...

John Miliunas
10-27-2006, 9:49 AM
Work at the PT job tonight. Hopefully finish milling up the Walnut for the mantle project and maybe get started cutting some of it to final dimensions on Sat. Sunday will be spent at the Madison Woodcraft store with David Marks! :D And, my own weekend is extended through and including Monday, where I'll be spending that day with David, as well! Can't wait. :) Have a super weekend, all! Play safe. :) :cool:

Mark Pruitt
10-27-2006, 12:53 PM
More spin time.....have some Christmas presents to make!:D :D :D Time to give the Rikon its second workout...and third...and fourth...and...

Larry Fox
10-27-2006, 1:44 PM
Trip to Hearne Hardwoods tomorrow morning to pick up a pice of wood I had IN MY HAND last weekend but didn't buy because I didn't think I needed. A fine example of poor planning there. Anyway, that trip will mean a visit with my brother and his family as they live around the corner. Then it is back to cabinet box building and sanding. Other than that, a trip to the pumpkin patch with the kids and maybe watch the Eagles go through yet another spectacular flame-out.

Lloyd Frisbee
10-27-2006, 2:12 PM
The Woodworking Show is our area this weekend so I will be there shopping and working a booth for our turning club. Gotta turn something this weekend for our presidents challenge of something "with holes".

Matt Meiser
10-27-2006, 2:29 PM
Working on my new welding/assembly table. I picked up the steel plate for the top last night. I need to do a little grinding on the base, then attach the top and mount a vise I bought specifically for this purpose. Other misc work in the shop getting things reorganized, moving some power drops, etc.

Chip Olson
10-27-2006, 3:59 PM
Got 2 Halloween parties tomorrow night, fortunately within blocks of each other. That and a brunch party Sunday. Of course, the kidlet is sick, so we might be curtailing some of those plans.

Oh yeah, woodworking... hopefully I'll find time to get the door frame pieces cut to length.

Al Willits
10-27-2006, 5:14 PM
Nice table Jim, let us see more pictures as you go.
Ultra high end pieces are nice to look at, but I enjoy pieces that are a little closer to what most of us hobbyist might make and enjoy.

Al....that was a compliment btw..:)