View Full Version : Before I start my cyclone project...

Jim Lischio
10-22-2003, 5:53 PM
I am new to this forum, but have been around enought to know that this can be a touchy subject, but here is my question...

Is the "Terry Hatfield" version of the cyclone different from the current plans on Bill Pentz's site? According to Pentz's Woodcentral article, the unit built by Terry "significantly upgraded my plans and detail for construction, plus left Terry with a far superior kit. That cyclone has the least resistance of any unit available for hobbyists and some of the best filtering, plus moves more air than any other 3 hp or smaller cyclone available. Moreover, it pushed me into refining my blower designs to make them far easier to build and much more efficient."

If the "Hatfield" version is different, are the modifications discussed/documented somewhere or are they proprietary to Terry and DustEliminator (in case it makes a comeback).

I am really not trying to cause a conflict here. I tried searching the past messages before posting my question, but did not find what I was looking for. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.


Dennis Peacock
10-22-2003, 6:17 PM

The Terry Hatfield Cyclone <b>IS</b> the Bill Pentz design. I'm not going to bring up old wounds here, but The Dust Eliminator both was and is the design of Bill Pentz to include the blower design. All done with Pentz's help and design improvements. I believe that the newer unit is to make it easier for the new owner to build and install. 'nuff said....

I own one of the original DE Cyclones and was on the testing team as well.

Backing out now.

Paul Kunkel
10-22-2003, 10:19 PM
Hi Jim, PM me. I have some info for you.......